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The Dangers of Ketchup: Harmful Effects on Children’s Health and the Terrible Discovery

Ketchup Laterradelgusto

Ketchup, be careful not to overdo it. Don’t always give it to your children. In fact, it is very harmful to their health. The terrible discovery.

It’s not easy eat well, sano, vario e checked. And it is for various reasons, including what many people have not yet understood, that follow the diet in this direction it doesn’t mean going hungry o stare a stick. In short words it means staying away from those junk food which, if consumed in excess, they can be deleterious for ours salute.

Which is not the best, given that often the latter is really very fragileas well as the most precious gift that we own. Talking about ketchup it must be said that it is It’s really hard not to use it even in our country, when we deal with fragrant and crunchy French fries.

Sometimes we even combine it to sister mayonnaise and our children love it. That said, we should go easy on consumption Of ketchupgiven that It wouldn’t be a cure-all for our body. In fact, one was recently made shocking discovery which will never let you open a single pack again.

Ketchup, a very underrated sauce

Beyond the alarmism, which often are launched on the Internet on various foods e food in generalWho there is no need to sleep peacefully. However we must point out that this seasoning it’s not the best for our line. Not for nothing does it make you fat, like any sauce, and therefore we should be careful.

Furthermore there are alsoand other reasons that we should lead ourselves to keep it away from usnot to buy it when we go shopping and often also to don’t make it too available of ours children, who tend to exaggerate with its consumption. Let’s start by saying that it is very sugarysince it contains glucose syrupthen raise i triglycerides in an exaggerated manner.

Ketchup Laterradelgusto

Unwanted effects on our health

Being the latter sworn enemies of the circulatory systemwe can say that the ketchup It’s not good for the heart. Being composed mainly of pomodorowhich in itself is already enough acidcan provide both acidity That gastric reflux. Now let’s look at the aspects mostly unpublished.

Know that worsens arthritis and that can increase the various ones inflammation. Containing lots of sodium he’s able to increase in no time calcium in the urine and lead to the possibility of develop kidney stones. Finally, we reveal that it is rich in histaminewhich is nothing more than one allergenic substancewhich can lead to having even suddenly problem serial related to allergiesespecially for epidermis.

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2023-11-14 17:00:36
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