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The Dangers of Holding in a Sneeze: Causes and Consequences

Sneezing is the body’s natural mechanism for removing irritants in the nose and clearing the passages of bacteria and viruses. (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — When you feel like sneezing, you usually reflexively cover your mouth or hold it so you don’t spread the virus. However, hold back sneeze turns out to be causing more dangerous problems.

Quoted from the page Medical Daily, Sunday (20/8/2023), sneezing is the body’s natural mechanism for removing irritation in the nose and clearing the passages from bacteria and viruses. Sneezing is one of the most common flu symptoms. It can also be triggered by pollutants, germs, dust, pollen, or animal hair.

When an irritant enters the nose, an electrical signal is sent to the brain telling it that the nose needs to clear itself. In a split second, the body springs into action and prepares itself to sneeze. The muscles tense, the tongue moves to the roof of the mouth and the eyes close in response to the signal.

Holding in a sneeze increases the pressure within the respiratory system by about five to 24 times more than the pressure caused by a sneeze. If you hold back your sneeze, it can cause the eardrum to burst and cause hearing loss.

Second, holding in a sneeze can also divert bacteria that need to be expelled back into the ear and cause a painful middle ear infection.

Third, the increase in pressure due to a sneeze that is held back can cause damage and rupture of blood vessels in the eyes, nose or eardrums.

The rest can cause brain damage, damage to the ribs, throat and diaphragm.

Meanwhile, there are some interesting facts about sneezing, including you can’t sneeze while sleeping, sunlight or bright light can also trigger sneezing. In one sneeze will emit 100,000 germs into the air at speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour.

source: Between

2023-08-20 02:37:34
#Dont #Hold #Sneezes #Dangerous #Body #Republika #Online

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