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The dangers of HIV and AIDS must be a concern

PALANGKA RAYA – Secretary of the Palangka Raya City AIDS Commission (KPA), Susi Idawati said the dangers of HIV and AIDS must be a serious concern for all parties. “Especially the younger generation, they must be able to understand and know the dangers of HIV and AIDS,” he said, Sunday 26 February 2023.

Furthermore, Susi, who is also a member of Commission C DPRD Palangka Raya, revealed that the younger generation is actually a sweet period, and full of beauty. However, on the one hand, the younger generation is expected to be a quality generation that has healthy and highly competitive Human Resources (HR).

“Therefore, vigilance must be owned by every young generation, considering that around them there are always lurking dangers, namely HIV and AIDS,” he said. Meanwhile, said Susi, one form of prevention of HIV and AIDS is by not having sex indiscriminately, using narcotics and illegal drugs, and not using injecting needles indiscriminately, let alone not being supervised by a medical doctor.

“I also suggest that every school and even university be able to provide education and appeal to students about the dangers of HIV and AIDS,” he said. It should be remembered added by Susi, as the next generation, of course, we must be able to stay away from negative things that can damage the future. Fill all activities with work and innovation or other positive things, so you don’t fall into harmful associations.


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