Home » Health » The Dangers of Food Binging: A Nutritionist’s Perspective on Social Media Trends

The Dangers of Food Binging: A Nutritionist’s Perspective on Social Media Trends

Nutritionist Pietro Senette comments on the trend, widespread on social media, of eating large quantities of food.

«Food binges are a widespread problem in modern society, often linked to stress, anxiety and/or bad eating habits, but unfortunately too often an exclusively fashionable problem! Certainly the first approach to combat them is to identify the underlying causes in order to develop a targeted and personalized approach; food awareness is in fact essential to prevent this type of problem. Since these are issues strictly related to health, it is necessary and equally useful to explain the risks associated with these practices in clear and concise words. Binge eating is generally a clear alarm bell that tells us that something isn’t working right in our body and those who have even made it a trend should reflect on the far from imaginative idea of ​​increasing their exposure to a series of health risks, including metabolic diseases, digestive disorders but also heart problems and severe complications linked to nutritional imbalances.”

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2023-11-21 19:59:00
#Big #food #binges #risks #health #LUnione #Sarda.it

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