Al-Marsad newspaper: Many people resort to drinking soft drinks immediately after eating without knowing the effect on health.
Regarding the dangers of this habit, according to what Thehealthsite reported, the taste of soft drinks is attractive to some, but most people forget that most meals contain a mixture of nutrients, and carbohydrates are the basis for them, which turn into sugars in the body, and hence drinking drinks Gaseous gas after food causes a double increase in sugar levels and thus exposes you to the risk of developing diabetes.
Most soft drinks contain a very high percentage of phosphorus, and an increase in this mineral can reduce the calcium in the body. Even if your meals are rich in calcium, soft drinks have a harmful effect on the health of your bones, and increase the risk of osteoporosis and exposure to fractures.
Drinking drinks with meals or after finishing eating reduces the feeling of drinking healthy drinks or water, and thus the body does not get the hydrating electrolytes, vitamins and essential minerals that your body needs to maintain its hydration. Also, soft drinks contain a high percentage of caffeine, which It can increase the risk of dehydration.
2023-09-20 03:11:37
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