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The Dangers of Detoxing: A Cautionary Tale from Mexico

Cleanse your body of waste and toxins with colonic irrigation, warm water baths or detox cures. 37-year-old Denise Ermes did such a cure in Mexico, but it ended in a complete disaster: she ended up in a coma. Marjan van Hessen, spokesperson for Denise’s friends, has already raised 90,000 euros for medical costs in Mexico and Professor of Nutrition and Health Jaap Seidell talks about the dangers of detoxing.

Detoxcures are extremely popular. The idea is to the body cleanse and detoxify. What is the sense and nonsense of detoxing? “Detoxing is very important. Our body is a detox machine. We have a liver, we have kidneys, we have a gastrointestinal tract, we have skin and we have lungs. They try to get rid of everything that is not good for us. We can actually do it very well,” says Jaap Seidell.

Dangers of detoxing

Doesn’t all that extra detoxing that we do nowadays entail dangers? “Most of it is harmless and that’s juices, drinks and things like that. But when people cross boundaries, it can be dangerous. You have to pay close attention to that. The problem is that if a Dutch doctor were to do this, he would get into all sorts of trouble. Anything can go wrong in these cases, but no one is ever held accountable. No one will be sued for wrongdoing in Mexico either, and I think that’s a problem,” Seidell concludes.

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2023-05-02 09:45:00
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