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The Dangers of Chargers for Technological Devices: A Tragic Case in Egypt and Safety Tips

Talk about the dangers of chargers for technological devices returned to the interface, after an entire family was killed in Egypt in a fire that later turned out to have been caused by a diamond in a mobile phone charger.

The security services in Giza Governorate, south of Cairo, had received a notification of a fire in a residential apartment in the Faisal area, and with the transfer of civil defense services and extinguishing the fire, it was found that the owner of the apartment and his wife had died in the fire, while their two children were taken to the hospital, but they died later.

It was also found that a young man from the family’s relatives was present at the time of the fire, so he jumped from the third floor and fell on the second floor, sustaining fractures and wounds, and receiving hospital treatment. Also, a girl from the family’s relatives was injured in the fire.

Investigations revealed that the family was preparing on the morning of the fire to travel to Alexandria to spend the summer vacation, while the forensic laboratory report revealed during the prosecution’s investigations that the fire broke out due to a diamond from the mobile phone charger of the owner of the apartment, which he had left connected to the electric current while sleeping.

This incident sparked a great state of sadness and controversy on social media due to the death of an entire family as a result of a behavior that many people do, which is leaving phones connected to the electric current during sleep, without paying attention to the dangers of the matter.

Causes of current leakage during charging

The expert in information technology management, Ayman Makhlouf, spoke to “Sky News Arabia” about the details of the dangers of leaving electronic devices and phones or their chargers connected to the electric current for long periods, especially during sleep, as well as giving advice on how to properly deal with this issue.

Makhlouf explained that leaving the devices or their chargers connected to electricity is dangerous in itself, due to the presence of newly developed electronic components such as the capacitor and the coil, whose function is to extend the life of the electronic circuit inside the charger or the device in general, and then these components are damaged by keeping the current alive inside them.

And he continued that the danger lies in the presence of live current from two sides, the first is that the current may leak due to the unintended movement of the sleeper or a pet or even by the action of the air, and the second is related to the energy and endurance of the electronic component itself, as each component loses part of its quality with each use, and the current continues to be connected to that. Components mean the continued loss of their properties and quality until they are damaged, resulting in an explosion or electric short circuit.

Safety factors…

Information technology management expert, Ayman Makhlouf also said:

All devices have limits in receiving power and any excess threatens with varying risks of overheating, damage, and even explosion and causing fire. The opposite may also happen if the power decreases due to poor connection in the home electricity or the charger to the charging terminals used to charge the phone or device battery, and all of this exposes us to the risks of overheating and its consequences. Companies that produce technological devices and phones are developing all the time by adding sensors and safety valves to try to predict the danger and separate the power from the electrical and electronic circuit, but with all the development we have reached, we do not know much and we cannot completely prevent the danger. It can be said that all smart devices currently have the ability to automatically cut off the electric current, but how effective and longevity is it? There are theoretical figures for each product that show its efficiency and ability to stop the current and prevent risks, but it is not possible to actually quantify that efficiency due to known factors such as the stability of the power supply to the house and the different user habits and method of use. One of the required and commendable usage habits is that the phone is left with the charger for a few moments after removing the charger from the electricity to make sure that the charger circuit capacitors are discharged because they retain part of the current.

Tips to avoid the danger of chargers

Makhlouf gave several tips for the good and safe use of devices that need charging, saying:

A balance must be maintained in disconnecting devices and connecting them to the power source, meaning leaving them connected to electricity if I will use them many times, but they must be disconnected when leaving them for a long period of time without use, especially when sleeping. Simply disconnecting the electricity and connecting it again causes minor, unnoticeable damage to the components of the electronic circuit, and then repeating the process without reason is prohibited and dangerous. Do not use poor quality chargers or connectors, and quality does not only mean fast charging, but safety is much more important than that. Do not compare devices that need charging with those that need to be connected to the current all the time, such as refrigerators. Refrigerators have a cooling motor that works all the time and consumes an electric charge. However, there is a danger from refrigerators if the temperature of its electrical circuit increases. Devices that contain batteries are among the most dangerous devices and must be handled with care, as these batteries are liable to explode for various reasons.
2023-07-13 15:54:24
#death #family #fire. #dangers #phone #chargers #return #fore #Egypt #Sky #News #Arabia

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