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The dangerous mask that allows you to spread coronavirus to many without you noticing

The dangerous mask that allows many to spread coronavirus.

Since April it began to be done the use of a face mask is mandatory in the country, according to MinHealth.

Although at first it was not a priority, today it is a mandatory accessory for everyone.

This has led many to the task of manufacturing them and developing new models.

Models that adapt to fashion have always left a halo of whether they work or not.

For a study of the Duke university revealed which ones masks are effective and which ones are not.

And although the university revealed that masks like the N95 protect against the coronavirus.

However, a peculiarity of masks, such as those with a valve and filter, has caused curiosity.

And it is that although these masks filter the particles that enter, they do not do so with those that leave.

In other words, masks protect whoever wears them, but not others.

And the big problem is that there are millions of people in the world who do not know they have coronavirus.

This makes them asymptomatic and they could end up getting sick left and right.

The valve “allows air to be exhaled through an orifice, which can cause the expulsion of respiratory droplets that can reach other people. This type of mask does not prevent the person wearing the mask from transmitting COVID-19 to other people ”, says Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC).

For this reason they do not recommend its use, because it is putting others in danger.

“Those valves were created and designed for industrial work. When people breathe (breathe in), the valve closes, and, when exhaling, the valve opens, but if you use it and are infected, that virus can escape through the valve and reach your neighbors, ”he explained in Noticias Caracol , Jaime Castellanos, from the Virology Institute of El Bosque University.

The dangerous mask that allows many to spread coronavirus.

So if you have them, it is recommended to change them for others of greater effectiveness such as:

  • N95 without valves 99.9%

  • Surgical mask conventional multilayer 99.5%

  • Polypropylene simple 95 %

  • Polypropylene with 95% cotton

  • Two layer cottons with pleats (homemade) 90%

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