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The Dangerous Hepatitis C Virus and Its Link to Beauty Procedures

Beauty fans face a dangerous virus that hurts the liver

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Everything should be in moderation, without abuse.

A doctor from Syzran has warned lovers of manicure and pedicure to catch a dangerous virus. We are talking about hepatitis C. This is an acute or chronic infectious disease in which inflammation of the liver begins.

You can become infected through unprotected sexual contact, drug use, manicure, pedicure and tattooing procedures, if non-sterile instruments are used. In addition, hepatitis C can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth. You can also pick it up in a household way, using common razors, scissors or toothbrushes.

When kissing, shaking hands, through dishes, through water, coughing, sneezing, sweating, sitting nearby, hepatitis C is not transmitted through the air. It is also impossible to get infected through breast milk.

– After suffering from acute viral hepatitis C, approximately 30% of people self-heal, that is, they completely get rid of the virus, in other cases chronic hepatitis develops, – noted Tatyana Pavlova, Syzran’s chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases.

The doctor noted that one of the most important conditions in the treatment of hepatitis C is a complete rejection of alcohol. Alcohol can start a chain of reactions that will turn hepatitis from a sluggish process into a highly active one, accelerating the onset of cirrhosis.

With regard to other foods and drinks, the golden mean should be observed: food should be varied, everything should be in moderation, without abuse of “heavy” food.

Photo: www.unsplash.com

May 13, 2023, 5:05 p.m

2023-05-13 13:07:36

#Beauty #fans #face #dangerous #virus #hurts #liver

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