Cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and myocardial infarction can be caused or worsened by poor diet.
Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. One of the factors influencing the condition of the heart is nutrition. There are foods that can cause serious harm to the heart and increase the risk of ischemia, heart attack, hypertension and other diseases. Dialogue.UA will tell you about some of them and why they are dangerous for the heart.
Excess sugar consumption contributes to the development of obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol, which impairs blood circulation and increases the load on the heart. In addition, sugar can cause inflammation of blood vessels and damage to the endothelium, the inner layer of blood vessels. Try to avoid adding sugar to tea, coffee, cereals and other foods, and limit your consumption of sweets, drinks and foods high in sugar.
Fat meat
Fatty meat increases cholesterol levels in the blood and contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. These plaques narrow the lumen of blood vessels and can lead to thrombosis, ischemia or infarction. Therefore, it is recommended to eat low-fat meats such as chicken, turkey or fish, and avoid fried, smoked or salted meats.
Salt retains water in the body and increases blood pressure. This puts additional stress on the heart and can lead to hypertension. According to the World Health Organization, the optimal salt intake for an adult is no more than 5 grams per day. Try not to over-salt your food and avoid foods high in sodium, such as chips, crackers, canned goods, sauces and processed foods.
Alcohol is toxic to the heart muscle and can cause degeneration or cardiomyopathy. In addition, alcohol contributes to increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, thrombosis and the development of heart failure. According to the American Heart Society, a safe amount of alcohol for men is no more than two standard drinks per day, and for women it is no more than one. However, it is better to give up alcohol altogether or drink it very rarely and in small quantities.
Trans fats are artificial fats that are produced by the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. They are used in the food industry to improve the taste, texture and shelf life of foods. Trans fats have a catastrophic effect on the heart, as they increase bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, promote inflammation and oxidative stress, and increase the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Trans fats are found in margarine, cookies, cakes, pastries, popcorn, crackers, chips, and other foods labeled “partially or fully hydrogenated oils.” Try to completely eliminate these foods from your diet.
Remember, heart problems can develop differently in different people. It is important to know main features and symptoms that may indicate the need to see a doctor.
In addition, many popular products contain hidden ingredientwhich can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Author: Anastasia Yugova
2023-11-04 05:52:22
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