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The danger of anemia for Indonesian women, here’s how to prevent it


In Indonesia, the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is highest in pregnant women. This disease should not occur as long as the mother satisfies the daily iron intake. Photos/Getty Images

JAKARTA – In Indonesia, prevalence iron deficiency anemia (ADB) is higher in pregnant women. Diseases due to malnutrition which is common in the world including Indonesia should not have occurred as long as mothers meet their daily iron intake.

ADB in pregnancy not only negatively impacts the mother but also the baby. But in reality, two out of five Indonesians experience ADB. Everyone is at risk for ADB, from infants to the elderly.

“Infants are at risk of experiencing ADB 39%, children 27%, adolescents 32%, women of reproductive age 18%, the elderly 42%, and highest in pregnant women, i.e. 49% o 5 out of 10 pregnant women experience ADB,” said Siloam Hospital Manado OB/GYN specialist Dr. Grace Imelda Thungari, Sp.OG during a recent Instagram Live at GoodTalkSeries, a collaboration between Good Doctor and P&G Health.

“In general, ADB will reduce stamina, reduce thinking power, be less enthusiastic and less productive, while pregnant women with ADB are at risk of going into premature labor and giving birth to small babies or low birth weight babies. birth (LBW)” He continued.

Anemia, explained Dr. Grace is the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the body decreasing below normal. This red blood cell deficiency is caused by iron deficiency. About 62% of people suffering from anemia are caused by iron deficiency.

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“Iron is an important element in the formation of hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is needed to carry oxygen and if the number of red blood cells is too low or there is not enough hemoglobin, there will be a decrease of the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues,” explained Dr. adorn.

WHO also states that anemia is a major global public health problem primarily affecting children and pregnant women. Reporting from gooddoctor.co.id, During pregnancy, the body needs twice as much iron. The need for iron increases because during pregnancy the required blood volume increases by 30% to 50%.

The body needs more blood in order to carry oxygen for the mother and baby. Anemia in early pregnancy and in the second trimester can also increase the risk of blood loss during delivery and make it harder for the body to fight off infections.

In fact, more severe anemia can put a child at higher risk for anemia later in infancy. Iron deficiency anemia in infants can also cause neurodevelopmental disorders. If left untreated, this condition can lead to behavioral and memory impairment.

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