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The Czechs did not kneel in Cardiff in support of the Black Lives Matter movement

Before the start of the World Cup qualifiers, the Czech footballers did not join the home Welsh, who knelt in support of the Black Lives Matter movement before the kick-off.

Representatives in Cardiff expressed their fight against racism and other manifestations of intolerance, xenophobia or anti-Semitism by pointing to an inscription on the sleeve of the jersey, referring to a campaign called UEFA Respect.

The national team decided not to kneel after consulting the national team management with the players. The Czechs wanted to express their apolitical position. While the home players knelt before the kick-off, coach Jaroslav Šilhavý’s charges remained standing and pointed to the left sleeve.

“In the context of the events of recent days, weeks and months, the management of the national football team and the FACR want to jointly announce the apolitical attitude of the national team to some current topics that resonate in the sports environment. This is especially the Black Lives Matter initiative, in which some players before football matches. kneel, “the association said in a statement.

“The Czech national team expressed its support in the fight against racism, as well as other manifestations of intolerance, xenophobia or anti-Semitism, by pointing to the UEFA Respect inscription on the left sleeve of the jerseys, referring to the UEFA campaign, which addresses these issues.”

The main goal of the UEFA program is to strive for unity and respect for the race, gender, religion and abilities of each individual. The campaign has been running since 2008 and has support across UEFA member associations.

At the same time, the FACR reminded that, despite the representations, it has long supported a number of other social programs.

“From the support of the blind, deaf, medically and mentally handicapped to senior and veteran football or the popularization of football in children’s homes,” the association said.

“The breadth of this scope is unrivaled in the environment of Czech sports entities. We have long stated that we want everyone to play football, regardless of age, gender, race or any disability. At the same time, we oppose any manifestations of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and other intolerance. “added FACR.

Two Welsh defenders Ben Cabango and striker Rabbi Matondo faced racist insults on the social network after Saturday’s preparatory match with Mexico. Slavia quarterback Ondřej Kúdela was again accused of racism by Rangers midfielder Glen Kamara last week at the end of the rematch of the eighth finals of the European League in Glasgow, but the domestic midfielder did not substantiate his claim with any evidence. The Czech stopper denied the accusations, as did the Vršovice club. Kúdela started in Wales in the starting line-up.

The representatives knelt during the October match of the League of Nations in Scotland, where they complied with the request of the home team. Subsequently, some fans criticized them for it.

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1 thought on “The Czechs did not kneel in Cardiff in support of the Black Lives Matter movement”

  1. Before you complain about Czechs not kneeling in support of BLM, try to research the origin of the word Slave. You westerners don’t get free pass to complain about us from your imaginary position of superiority.


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