Home » today » Entertainment » The Czech voice of Vinnetou and Asterix died. Stanislav Fišer was 90 years old

The Czech voice of Vinnetou and Asterix died. Stanislav Fišer was 90 years old

Theater and film actor and drummer Stanislav Fišer died this Saturday at the age of 90. He connected his career mainly with the Municipal Theaters of Prague, in addition to which he was one of the busiest dubbers, his voice was spoken of for example by Pierre Brice in the role of Apache Chief Vinnetou or the animated Asterix.

“He died the night after a long illness,” she told Frequency 1 and daily Blesk.cz actor’s partner Antonie Hemerková. “Another wonderful actor and man has left,” said his colleague Jiří Klem, who shared an acting locker room with him for many years.

Stanislav Fišer was born in Hořice v Podkrkonoší as an illegitimate child of an actress from a nomadic theater company and an antiquarian from Vysoké Mýto. He started with the theater early as an amateur, he left for Prague at the age of fifteen.

After the Second World War, he first performed at the Youth Theater or in Vinohrady, after his engagements at the Jiří Wolker Theater and Burian’s D34 Theater, Jan Werich accepted him into the ABC Theater in 1959. It was later merged with the Municipal Theaters of Prague, where Fišer remained in the engagement until 1993 and later played there as a regular guest.

He has created over 80 roles in the Municipal Theaters of Prague in more than half a century. He appeared on stage for many years after a serious illness deprived him of his voice. In 2004, doctors discovered his laryngeal cancer, which required him to have his vocal cords removed, and he lost his typical voice.

He got a lot of opportunities in the film. His first film was Kršek’s psychological drama When You Come Back from 1947. The directors used it most often for his appearance to portray interesting figures from the underworld, weak or intriguing types, he had a total of 120 characters. He has acted, for example, in the series Sinful People of the City of Prague, 30 cases of Major Zeman, Mr. Tau, and in the films The Death of the Black King, The Foam and Paraplíčko and Dear Aunts and Me.

He won the František Filipovský Award for his lifelong dubbing championship.

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