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The Czech police have once again recommended that charges be brought against Prime Minister Babiš / Article

The Czech police have once again recommended that the prosecutor’s office accuse Prime Minister Andrei Babiss of fraud. The investigation documents, supplemented by the statements of several witnesses, were handed over to the prosecutor, the authorities approved on Tuesday.

The prosecutor must decide within two months whether to prosecute Babish, close the case or order a further investigation, as has been done on several occasions. The two-month period may be extended.

Babišu is suspected of misusing European Union funds in 2007 to build a luxury resort. Police accuse Babish of scam of about two million euros that took place before he got involved in politics. Babiss denies all allegations.

Babiss is one of the richest and most influential people in the Czech Republic. Babish’s wealth is estimated at 3.3 billion dollars, according to the show Forbes magazine data.

She dealing with European Union funds has been attracting the attention of MEPs as well as auditors for several years.

An audit by the European Commission in the spring concluded that Babišs controls two trusts that own the agrochemical concern Agrofert. Consequently, the prime minister has a conflict of interest, because this company is has received significant support from various European Union funds.

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