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The Czech game of 2020 is Creaks »Vortex

The eleventh year of the Czech Game of the Year is over. During the evening, which was different from the traditional handover due to the circumstances associated with the coronavirus pandemic, all formalities were done and in addition, spectators could watch the Creaks as the best Czech game of 2020 to watch relatively nutritious divisions full of interesting information about game development, Czech games and their history. Of course, the hour-and-a-half-long event also provided answers to the questions of who will receive the individual awards, including the first place in the game poll of the past decade. But there was also the promised expansion of the Hall of Fame, which was entered in memoriam by game journalist, founder of Excalibur magazine and “father” of Czech game journalism Lukáš Ladra.

Gradually, guests from the ranks of journalists and players took turns in the studio, which was complemented by representatives of the award-winning game studios and teams. Tomáš Nawar from Madfinger Games was the first to receive his award for the best free to play game of 2020 – Shadowgun War Games. Despite the fact that the operation of the multiplayer shooter was terminated during the year due to unfulfilled ideas about the number of players, according to Nawara, it reached several million people around the world and rightfully defended its place among domestic free titles. For the record, we add that Trust me I got this came in second and Hopply came in third.

The second award-winning game was Someday You’ll Return by CBE Software, which scored in the Best Game Design category. The author of the title, Jan Kavan, came for the award, for whom it was the first award in the Czech Game of the Year awards. He did not hide his pleasure and stated that he and his colleague Lukáš Medek no longer even hoped that they would get so high, especially in the game design category. As with the best free to play title, we add that Creaks came in second and the Ministry of Broadcast in third.

Czech Game of the Year 2020 – Creaks

Czech game of the decade 2010-2020 – Kingdom Come: Deliverance
The best free to play game – Shadowgun War Games
Audiovisual processing – Creaks
Game Design – Someday You’ll Return
Technological solution – Mafia: Definitive Edition
Hall of Fame – Lukáš Ladra

Subsequently, the category of the best audiovisual work was announced, which was also assisted by our newsroom. The name of one of the hot nominees for a number of awards – Creaks by Amanita Design, which was undoubtedly one of the best that was born in the Czech Basin in 2020 and the expert jury was definitely not blind to that, fell out of the cover. The award was accepted by one of the authors of the game, Jan Chlup, who briefly recalled how the eight-year anabasis about the final game actually took place. Creaks scored ahead of Someday You’ll Return and Mafia: Definitive Edition.

The penultimate award in the main categories went to the Mafia, already mentioned several times, in its remake with the subtitle Definitive Edition. The award for the best technological solution in the studio was taken over by Martin Sobek from the Hangar 13 studio, who approached how much Czech actually the title is. Despite the fact that Hangar is 13 an international company and has its headquarters in Novato, California, the remake of one of the most famous Czech games was mostly worked on in the Czech branches in Brno and Prague. Sobek also considered the award because, according to him, few people appreciate the technical part of the final visual form and it was obvious that he considered the award properly. The Mafia managed to defeat the Medieval Engineer and the already award-winning Shadowgun War Games.

Creaks demonstrate that Amanita Design can easily be a study of various game genres and techniques, but always great games.

This brings us to the end of the main part of the entire program and thus the announcement of the best Czech game for the past year 2020. As mentioned above, Amanita Design returned with her Creaks once again after a triumph in the category of best audiovisual processing – for ant work in the art field. , kind humor, design of puzzles and great sound. All this together led to the primacy, which even among the spectators evoked a pleasant wave of enthusiasm. Creaks demonstrate that Amanita Design can easily be a study of various game genres and techniques, but always great games.

However, we must not forget the unique spectator category, which went hand in hand with the fact that the broadcast of the Czech Game of the Year awards was finally public after years. As the results showed, fans of the games from the Czech Republic put Warhorse, a medieval game Kingdom Come: Deliverance, in first place with a clear lead. The award was accepted by Dan Vávra and Martin Klíma, who remotely thanked all those who voted, as well as individual members of the development team, without whom the title would not have been created. However, they did not indicate what else is being prepared in the Prague studio, so we have to wait. For example, until the next year of the Czech Games of the Year, who knows.

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