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The cyclist punched a mother because she dared to tell her to take care of her children

The incident took place in Szentendre, on the banks of the Bükkös stream, during which a woman walking her dog with her children and a middle-aged man on a bicycle got into an argument – writes the Riposte.

The man rode his bicycle from behind and almost hit one of the lady’s children. And the mother resented this for understandable reasons. Instead of explaining, the man out of nowhere punched the mother on the forehead, so that they both ended up in the bed of the stream.

The incident happened on Friday around three o’clock in the afternoon, Ripost managed to reach one of the witnesses of the incident, who told shocking things about the case.

“The 45-year-old cyclist came from the Danube bank, when he got to the family, one of the small children stepped in front of him and narrowly missed hitting him. This all happened because he didn’t ring his bell, didn’t slow down, and the cyclist came from behind. The woman shouted at the prisoner: “Can’t he take care? He’ll hit the child,” the witness began her report. The rough details came only after that:

At that, the guy got off his bike, walked up to the lady and punched her so hard without saying a word that she fell into the ditch.

She had so much presence of mind that she grabbed the man’s shirt by the neck and pulled him along. The man’s yellow T-shirt was also torn, and as they rolled down the steep hillside, the man hit the woman several more times. Everything happened in seconds – added the witness, who also revealed that

all of the woman’s children cried after seeing the shocking scenes and shouted “Mommy, Mommy”.

It turned out that the man wanted to leave the scene after the fight, but luckily for the lady, two other men came to help, who also watched the violent altercation.

The man was produced on the spot by the police, criminal proceedings against him for disorderly conduct are ongoing at the criminal department of the Szentendre Police Department.

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