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The cycle ‘Symphonic hits with Goran Gora’ will feature saxophone music

Musicians of the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra (LNSO) together with a narrator at the Grand Guild on Thursday, April 7 at 7 p.m. Goran Gora In the concert “Symphonic hits with Goran Gora. Altmanis. Glass. Saxophone” will offer listeners a saturated program of saxophone music, as well as introduce the history of the popular instrument.

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According to the representatives of the LNSO, “Delfi” will inform the conductor Jānis Stafeckis, as well as the soloists of the concert – saxophonist Oskars Petrauskas and the saxophone quartet “Atomos”.

The April 7 concert is special because it has a close-up saxophone – an instrument that is often called the “king” of jazz music. It is undeniably one of the most diverse instruments in the world, dating back almost 180 years. During this time, it has established a secure, convincing position in both jazz and academic music. In the scores of the symphony orchestra, this instrument rarely appears, one might even say reluctantly. Therefore, it is significant that the LNSO breaks this tradition and will perform with five soloists in the concert: one of the most recognized saxophonists in Latvia in the premiere of Alvils Altmanis’ new works Oskars Petrauskiswhile the interpretation of the saxophone quartet and orchestra by the American minimalist Philip Glass Concert has been entrusted to the members of the association “Atomos”.

For the eighth year in a row, the LNSO continues its concert cycle with the added educational value “Symphonic Hits with Goran Gora”, in which the LNSO and the narrator Goran Gora introduce young people and beginners to classical music hits and their authors – world-famous composers. Each concert program is designed as a multimedia adventure, supplementing the compositions with specially designed animations that dress cognitive materials in an exciting, bright form. This season, the creative team of “Symphonic Hit” is a writer Jānis Joņevsartist Krišs Salmanis, director Roberts Rubīns.

Tickets can be purchased “Ticket Paradise” box offices.

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