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The Current State of Mobilization Issues and Negotiations with Russia in Ukraine

Mobilization issues

According to him, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security is expecting a so-called “war plan” from the General Staff in order to clearly understand how many more resources will be needed. He also noted that the committee has questions for the military command that will be discussed sooner or later.

“Another question that is very hot is how many more people will be mobilized. There is a mobilization resource, it is known. But if you do rotation, then you need to mobilize another half of the people in Ukraine, and if not, then they (already mobilized – ed.) suffer. What to do with this, and at least give a short plan for the year, give a vision. We tell the military leadership. But there is no vision – we live as we lived. But this does not suit us, because we need to prepare. That next year in the EU, in the USA this will cause interruptions in funding or loss of funding and we need to rely on our resources,” Arakhamia said.

He believes that the General Staff, or another military institution, should draw up a war plan for the next year. It should indicate indicative information about how they plan to conduct military operations.

“We need a plan: ‘I want to fight like this next year, I need so many people, and let so many go, and I also need so much money,’ but no one in the country has this,” he emphasized.

Negotiations with the Russian Federation

The head of the faction is confident that the entire leadership is determined to continue fighting.

“Now I think that the entire leadership in Ukraine is thinking about fighting. Why? Because we cannot sit down at the negotiating table now. Our negotiating position is very bad. What are we going to sit down for now? I generally think that how no matter how the war ends, other than complete victory, it must go through a referendum,” says the official.

In his opinion, if there are any agreements with the Russian Federation that the Ukrainian parliament is forced to sign, this will lead to the parliament quarreling among themselves.

“Such things should be done only through a referendum. When the people say that “we need to do it this way,” then I will push my opinion as far as possible, and if they say “the deputies decide,” then it should not be their decision – this is the question of every citizen in separately,” Arakhamia emphasized.

Negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation

Ukraine and Russia held several rounds of negotiations at the start of the full-scale invasion. But for now they are on pause. President Vladimir Zelensky and other authorities have noted that Ukraine will not return to the negotiating table until Moscow withdraws its troops.

The American television channel NBC News, citing American and European officials, said that the United States and the EU began to not publicly discuss with Ukraine the issue of possible peace negotiations with Russia. They probably involve some concessions on the part of Ukraine.

At the same time, President Vladimir Zelensky denied that the United States and the EU are putting pressure on Ukraine regarding peace negotiations with Russia.

Read more about why Ukraine is far from peaceful negotiations with the Russian Federation in the RBC-Ukraine article.

Read urgent and important messages about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the channel RBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

2023-11-24 19:35:54
#Rada #expects #war #plan #General #Staff #Arakhamia

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