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The Curious and Fulfilling Life of Li Ruotong: An Autobiographical Journey

The content shared in this article is compiled as follows, with some parts deleted and subtitles added by the editor.

From “guest appearance” to “appearance”

“Southern Weekend” was first published in 1984. What was I busy with this year? I was still a middle school student in 1984. I thought about what I was busy with for a long time. I only studied obediently and had a campus love. But today I want to say something to Li Ruotong, who was 18 years old at the time: Life is very long. , girl, don’t take it seriously.

The 40-year-old Southern Weekend is in the prime of life. Those who are relatively good at mathematics, “Tongxue” and good friends here, you should have guessed my age. It is not young. Yes, in 2024, I will enter At 58 years old, after those two years I can take public transportation for free. Whenever I meet new friends, they always ask me a question: Hey, aunt, what is your secret to not growing old and your secret to taking care of yourself? If there is a secret to agelessness, it is curiosity.

In 1990, with a little curiosity and a mentality of having fun, I was still working as a stewardess and made a guest appearance in the first movie. In 1993, I fell out of love, and then in order to get rid of my unhappiness in Hong Kong, I went to a place far, far away – Yinchuan. It sounds like Yinchuan is very close to you now, and it is indeed very close, but back then, 30 years ago Before, it took a day and a night to go from Hong Kong to Yinchuan, and it took 12 hours to get to Yinchuan from Beijing in a soft sleeper, yes, a soft sleeper. Then for a few months I was in a completely unfamiliar environment, and my mentality changed from a part-time actor to one that I wanted to be a real full-time actor. Of course, I grew a lot in these few months.

Everyone should know the subsequent story. In 1995, Goo Jai and I acted in “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” together. It made me feel for the first time what “entering the drama” means. Only when the actor enters the scene can the audience enter the scene with me. Also because of filming “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, I got my first movie fan in my life. I heard that to this day, many friends still watch this TV series again every year, because I will meet some young friends, and they will call me “Aunt” or “Aunt” when they see me. , where is that eagle?” Many friends will also say, “Auntie, I am Guo’er.” Everyone has such a long-term affection for this character. As an actor, I really, allow me to say it very seriously here, I am really grateful. I think it is my honor to have such a role in my life. Thank you very much!

Over the years as an actor, I have always been curious, and I kept trying to try different roles. Wang Yuyan, although I didn’t like this role at the time, but now I have figured it out, I think she is very smart; There are also Yang Bamei, Qin Cao girl, Qiuxiang… I will keep asking questions, keep thinking, and keep thinking, because I feel that in this way I can better understand this character, and then I can better understand the character. Only when I present it to the audience can the audience follow me into the play.

Later, I was emotionally frustrated and my father left me. I was out of everyone’s sight for ten years. I didn’t want to come out. I just wanted to hide at home.

One day, suddenly, I decided that I wanted to film again. I only spent one night, conflicting, entangled, and considering, should I take this role? At two o’clock in the middle of the night, I called my agent: Go, pick up! Then after the first day of filming, I knew I was good at it, I still liked acting, and I could still act.

That TV series is called “Girls Club”. Some friends may be unfamiliar with it, but that TV series caused a sensation in Hong Kong in 2013 because it was about a group of girls who grew up to middle age together. , and then the development of friendship together, during the summer vacation of that year, caused many people to suddenly find those classmates from university, middle school, and even elementary school to reminisce about the past together, and sent many photos and pictures of them. , I think this is very meaningful.

But what happened next? Just like what many actresses in their 40s and 50s say now: Hey, taking roles is very passive, and there are really not many roles we can choose. Of course, I am no exception, because I missed those ten years. But I don’t want to be idle. I don’t have any idle time. If there’s a chance, and if I think there’s light in this role, I’ll take it. If not, I’ll do something I like.

“Part-time” self-media blogger, continue to explore while curious

In 2019, my new team and I set out hand in hand. What do I bring with me? Out of curiosity, I started to start self-media. Some of you may not believe it. I rarely take selfies. A friend once came to my house and said: Hey, why don’t I have any photos? Because I am not a narcissistic person, at the beginning my team asked me to take selfies, not only selfies, but also talking while taking them, which is equivalent to saying now: Hello friends, I am currently at Southern Weekend Super New Year’s party, hello everyone, Hi! Yes, it was really hard to get used to it at the beginning and I was resistant, but now I can not only live broadcast by myself, I can also complete the entire vlog shooting by myself.

My life now is very rich and rich. I will learn from the two-dimensional children and wear those Lolita clothes. When I was studying, I heard the descriptions of the Great Wall and Chang’an many times, but I never had the opportunity to go to the Great Wall. In 2023, I finally climbed the Great Wall, wore a horse-faced skirt to fight Cassian, and visited the Terracotta Warriors; in December, I also went to Inner Mongolia for the first time. And not long ago, I don’t know if you have seen it. Sister Yazhi and I traveled through time and space to make a co-production. Have you seen it? When Little Dragon Girl meets White Snake, everyone said that this was a memory killing, and it was also my memory killing. Everyone gave us a thumbs up.

I also like to shoot some short videos to share with you, because friends who are familiar with me may know that I like fitness, I like to lift irons, I like to practice abdominal muscles, waistcoat lines, make some delicious desserts, and some small things in life. try. For example, I shared a while ago that I used to be a flight attendant. I will share how you should pack your luggage. If you travel with a full luggage, you can stuff it with many of the things you bought when you come back. Just some life tips, I share them with you.

I also tried the popular Tianjin Pantou. I would like to suggest that if anyone goes to Tianjin, they must try the Tianjin Pantou. When I was trying it out, there was a boy sitting next to me. He was really good. What was his name? ,Wow! Very plump. So I would like to suggest that you must try it when you go to Tianjin. There are many more. These are very happy and very special experiences.

In the past five years, I like myself more. I feel that I am closer to our fans and I am closer to myself. I don’t call them “fans”, I call them “Tong Xue”, which tong is Li Ruotong’s “Tong”.

I am now facing more than 20 million “tongxue”, sharing every bit of my life (and my work) with them, and teaching them how to exercise, lift iron, and correct them, because there are many ” “Tongxue” will leave me messages and ask me questions, such as: Auntie, how can I correct my chest-covering hunchback? Can you share your skin care routine? I know it all and shared it all with them.

I gradually discovered that in addition to interacting with fans through TV series and movies, I can actually share these little bits and pieces of life with everyone, and they are all valuable. In the past five years, I have gone from being curious about myself to being curious about others. What are others curious about? They give me a steady stream of motivation to keep moving forward, keep moving forward, and keep making progress.

I am 58 years old now. When I was 54, I wrote an autobiography of 170,000 words, but I don’t call it an autobiography. I was only 54 years old four years ago. I have only lived half of my life. How can I call it an autobiography? Woolen cloth? It can only be said to be a book. So I often say that my best time has not yet come. I am now 58 years old. I am actually still a young man, right? We are all young people.

When I was 55 years old, I challenged myself to become a program planner. I once tried flying to 15 cities in a month, but I didn’t feel tired at all. I felt very excited. Then at the age of 56, with the encouragement of the “Tong Schools”, I challenged myself to do aerial yoga, and then on my birthday I restored the idea that Little Dragon Girl could sleep on a rope without hanging wires. It was indeed achieved, indeed. You can sleep on a rope without wires.

Last year I recorded my first reality show and released my first single. When I had the opportunity to be a singer, I turned it down. I don’t know why I recorded my first single last year and released it. I shot a MV called “I Will Wait”. I am very satisfied with it. The lyrics match the MV, because many Tongxue people left me messages after seeing it, which gave them a lot of motivation. Don’t be afraid when life is at a low point, it will pass. Just like me now, I feel that I am very good. So if I go back to 1984, when I was 18 years old, I would never have imagined that I am living such a fulfilling life now. All this is the source of Because of the curiosity I just mentioned.

However, there are some things that we really don’t need to be too curious about, such as some online black fans and some negative comments. Sometimes our team members will say to me when they see some: Auntie, I’m very angry. , and then I told them: Oh, at this time, your curiosity is no longer needed. I have no interest in these keyboard warriors at all.

Even if beauty wanes, I will still remain the same Li Ruotong

Today at this New Year’s super party, traveling through time and space, recalling my years and the past five years, I have a little emotion. In fact, like many women, I used to mind being introduced to me by others. age, especially in the years when we just returned to everyone’s attention, at the beginning, oh, what was in my ears was, “What a pity, beauty is dying late”, oh! Won’t I get old? I am also a human being. I will definitely grow old. This is normal. It is strange that I do not age.

However, I am still me, and my original intention remains the same. I am still studying hard, studying how to be a good actor, and trying to do something well. One of my life mottos is: or not Do it, I have to do my best if I do it.

Regarding my original intention, I want to share a story with you. On my 54th birthday, I shamelessly recorded a video to Eric Tsang and said: Today is my birthday. Can I ask my idol, Jacky Cheung, to send me a birthday blessing? When I received a birthday wish from my idol, wow! Then I couldn’t imagine what this “abominable” Eric Tsang was doing. He actually transferred some of my incoherent recordings of thanking him to Jacky Cheung. Then Jacky Cheung, who never thought Jacky Cheung would record me again, said, “How come you haven’t changed at all?” , I’m still the silly girl I was back then.” At that time, I felt even happier when I heard it, and then I knew, I really haven’t changed at all, and I also feel that I am proud of myself, I haven’t changed.

In love, I have been a “love brain”, but I have no regrets, because everything has passed. Maybe if I am not broken up in love, I may not go to filming, and you won’t be able to see me now. So it is still a growing process. I like myself very much now. In life, we must learn to love ourselves, the people around us, and our families, and we must maintain self-discipline and freedom. Then you ask me now, what am I thinking? I just want to age better, feel more comfortable, and be healthier, so I exercise regularly so that I have the ability and physical strength to continue to be curious about the world! Yes, even if the beauty grows old, I will still be the same Li Ruotong who never changed my mind.

I want to share with you a topic about mentality. An old mentality is actually more terrifying than the aging of our appearance. When you hear a person say: “Oh, how old am I already!” “I How old are I, I shouldn’t be doing this”. His subtext is, “Oh, I don’t want to change, I can’t change, I can’t do it, I can’t do it!” In fact, it means that he doesn’t want to do it. If you don’t use your brain and study, not only will your brain turn slowly, but your body will also age very quickly. So I often tell myself and my friends, don’t set limits on your life, and you will always make progress. space.

Last week our team went to Hulunbuir for filming. It was now a world of ice and snow, and the prairie was completely white. We discussed it. Some friends suggested that we could only roll the snow. My first reaction was “Okay, okay, okay.” It’s a reaction I often do, it’s very natural, but the agent standing next to me suddenly said “Okay, okay, okay” for no reason, and I looked at her and said, “Are you imitating me? “But I was really not angry. Then she replied to me and said, “Sister, don’t you know, you often have these very natural girlish behaviors, and there is still a girl living in your heart.” Maybe it’s because, I always I am curious about new things. I also like to accept challenges and try new things, so I suggest that everyone can often say “Okay, okay, okay” like my aunt. Your mentality will change, and your mentality is very important. So, if you ask me, is there really any secret to staying young and not growing old? My answer is only one – stay curious.

Has anyone seen the movie “Barbie” and remember a scene in it: the young and beautiful Barbie is sitting (in front of) a white-haired, wrinkled old lady. The old lady sits very elegantly. While reading the newspaper, Barbie said to the old lady “You are beautiful” with admiration and admiration in her eyes. The old lady replied “I know” with a confident and calm look. Our beauty and our personality do not need to be given definition or meaning by others. Your life must be filled in with various colors by yourself and only you. Just like me, I used to be gray, I used to be Red, I was blue, all decided by myself and not something others can give me.

In the new year, I will set out with curiosity and take on new challenges.

More exciting videos will be released simultaneously on the Southern Weekend App, WeChat video account, Weibo, and Douyin accounts, so stay tuned.

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