Home » today » Business » The cubans are still ‘stumbling’ with the disaster of the virtual stores, now with the ‘combos’

The cubans are still ‘stumbling’ with the disaster of the virtual stores, now with the ‘combos’

The virtual stores that are kept running in Cuba while others do “adjustments” in order not to repeat the recent disaster of these businesses on the internet are still receiving a barrage of complaints by the users that have used their services.

According to Rosario Ferrer, vice president, commercial of the corporation CIMEX property of the military, they have “refined the whole of the returns identified until last Thursday”, but still 4.156 people are still waiting for solution by the bank.

The official did not rule out “that may arise” other “on the basis of the claims received from the customers.”

According to what justifies the official journal Granmathe transit of the trade a physical to a virtual “has not been the most happy in the majority of cases”. That’s why the chain Stores Caribbean and Cimex recently announced the temporary closure and gradual online businesses, in function “adjust their processes and redeploying them” to the sale of modules, with values of 10, 15, 20 and 30 CUC.

The marketing of so-called combos have been added to the store The Typical and 5th. and 42, in Havana, and also in the provinces of Matanzas and Camaguey.

However, the modules of food, toiletries and cleaning have also been made “happy” shoppers need and there have been many complaints for the products that are included in these.

According to Ferrer, Datacimex works to enable the platform TuEnvío the option that, once the customer adds the selected product to your shopping cart, this remains reserved for a minimum period of time that allows you to finish the purchase without which the desired article is out and out as not available, as has happened to dozens of clients.

Also, he said, are designed “other solutions to make it easier and dynamic the purchasing process for users.”

“Accordingly, we have planned the recruitment of private carriers and is currently negotiating the proposed rate and contract for that are incorporated in the service, not only in Havana, but throughout the country”, he announced.

He admitted that “the supply of the stores is falls below the demand of the population, which influence not only the capabilities of the national industry, but also the impact that it has had to import”. He blamed the seizure of the US out of this situation, as well as to “the damages suffered by the international market, generated from the situation of the pandemic.”

More pending orders

Amilkar Odelín, commercial director of the Chain Stores Caribbean (TRD, also the conglomerate’s military GAESA), said on Friday the virtual store Villa Diana concluded with the delivery of the 19,000 pending orders, and as of Saturday began to market its offerings of combos, that will be 200 per day for the time being, and for the month of July increased to 400 in total.

“We know that such a supply is low, taking into account the high demand, but it is the figure that we can handle for the moment and thus ensure the 100% of the products that make up the modules that are expenderán”, he argued.

In terms of the returns said that they have streamlined the processes with the bank. “We have been able to repay the money by the concept of missing products to a significant number of customers, although there are still outstanding 5.400 returns”, he said.

Complaints associated with this shop had as a cause the assurances and the lack of foresight to ensure that the items to be sold, which also led to delays in deliveries, he said.

In the case of 5th. and 42 was determined to change the mode of sale and move on to the combos, at the rate of 200 per day, although as of Saturday had to include 100 more until you get to 500 combos in the day, in a future not specified.

“As it comes to combos that belong to different lines, the user can buy in day one of each type, that is, one of food and another of toilet”, she explained about the rationing of these packages.

The process of delivery of the pending orders, to reach 4,900, must be concluded on the 26th of June, just like the returns, according to the manager.

“We do not reject that in the future the virtual stores meet really their goal, which is to complement the service of the physical trade, but with the complexities of the current scenario we consider that the variants used are the most feasible. What cannot happen is that the demand we exceed, as happened previously, and that we can not provide an effective response and quick to that problem,” he said.

One of the latest complaints from users that want to access the virtual store 5th. and 42, with the new form of combos, lies in how difficult it is to successfully execute the purchase, because both the website and the application EnZona not respond and the payments are failed.

In response, the commercial director of the Chain Stores Caribbean said that “the company Xetid is making the necessary adjustments to optimize the access and the issue should be resolved in the coming days.”

Meanwhile, the Office Provincial of the province of Havana is still receiving daily complaints from the public by the irregularities of the virtual stores of CIMEX and TRD

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