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The Cuban Police arrest a mother who abandoned her baby in a hospital in Sancti Spíritus

The Sancti Spíritus Police arrested a mother who abandoned her baby, a two-month-old girl, at the Camilo Cienfuegos Provincial Hospital. The woman, according to reported This Friday the Prosecutor’s Office is in provisional prison while the incident is investigated for the crime of “abandonment of people in a vulnerable situation, due to disability, minority, elderly or helpless.”

The baby will be adopted by her maternal grandmother, while the girl’s father will not face any lawsuit at the moment. “The criminal process is processed only against the mother” and the worst that could happen to her is that “the court imposes the accessory sanction of deprivation of parental responsibility or its suspension,” the newspaper says. Escambray.

The official press, which has given unusual coverage to the event, interviewed the prosecutor in charge of family protection in the province, Félix Sanchez, who pointed out as an aggravating factor that the girl has not only been deprived of “affection and affection”, but also of breastfeeding. maternal. The position of the authorities, he said, was to “legally sanction the mother.”

About the mother, the newspaper Escambray He gave few details and did not reveal his identity. The woman, from the municipality of Jatibonico, had a “risky” pregnancy and had refused to go to the hospital. When she was admitted, she “ran away repeatedly” but she returned to give birth.

The woman, from the municipality of Jatibonico, had a “risky” pregnancy and had refused to go to the hospital

The girl was born prematurely and with low weight, so she was admitted to the Camilo Cienfuegos Intensive Care Unit. According to the newspaper, “from that very moment the abandonment began,” because the woman refused to care for her daughter, they say.

Given this situation – which was first known on social networks, before the authorities spoke out –, several residents in Sancti Spíritus have asked the Prosecutor’s Office to adopt the girl, he says. Escambraybecause “there are a significant number of infertile couples willing to adopt.”

However, says Yosdany Morejón, the journalist who followed the case, it is best that “the minor – who currently has mild anemia – remains within the family of origin.” This is what will happen to the baby, who will stay with the grandmother.

As for the father, a resident of the municipality of Arroyo Blanco, it is known that he has custody of another minor, three years old, and that he takes care of his bedridden mother. “This father is not in a position to take care of a two-month-old baby,” says Morejón.

On September 21, after the abandonment of the baby went viral on social networks, the official press he claimed that the girl was in good health and about to be transferred to Jatibonico, from Sancti Spíritus.

Pavel Socarrás, obstetrics specialist at the Pediatric Hospital, denied one of the rumors that was circulating: that the baby was abandoned at the door of the medical establishment. “The minor does not present any pathology or illness at this time, so we do not want to run the risk that, being so small, she could acquire any illness as part of her stay in a hospital facility. In addition, today she has a very good weight “Socarrás stated at that time.


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