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The Cuban Embassy in the United States Attacked Again: United States Launches Investigation

The Cuban Embassy in the United States was attacked again. The United States: Will launch an investigation into the incident

Release time: 07:34 on September 27, 2023 Source: China News Network

On September 24, local time, Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez said on social media that the Cuban Embassy in the United States was attacked by a terrorist that night. An attacker threw two Molotov cocktails at the embassy, ​​but no casualties were caused.

This is another attack on the Cuban mission in the United States since the shooting in April 2020. Rodriguez said details of the incident are under investigation. He condemned anti-Cuba groups in the United States for resorting to terrorist tactics because they believed they could be immune from punishment, and said the Cuban government had repeatedly urged the U.S. government to launch an investigation, but the U.S. remained silent on the matter.

On the 25th local time, U.S. State Department spokesperson Miller said that the U.S. State Department was coordinating the investigation with the Washington police.

At the end of April 2020, a man shot at the Cuban Embassy in the United States and was later controlled and arrested by U.S. police and Secret Service personnel. No one at the Cuban embassy was injured.

According to data released by the Cuban government, since the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the United States has launched at least 581 terrorist attacks on Cuban institutions and personnel abroad.

After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the U.S. government adopted a hostile policy toward Cuba. In 1961, the United States and Cuba severed diplomatic relations. The following year, the United States imposed an economic and financial blockade and trade embargo against Cuba. In 2015, relations between the two countries eased for a time, but the United States did not fully lift its blockade against Cuba. In 2017, the United States once again tightened its policy toward Cuba. (Produced by Liu Yinghan)

Editor in charge:[Yu Xiao]

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2023-09-26 23:33:38

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