Home » today » News » The Cuban duo Buena Fe will sue those who want to “damage and hurt” their image in Spain

The Cuban duo Buena Fe will sue those who want to “damage and hurt” their image in Spain

The Cuban government group Buena Fe will take legal action in Spain against those who are dedicated to “damaging, harming and wounding” its image. “We must say enough is enough” stress its members in a message posted on Facebookheaded by the TQAbogados logo, with an office in Madrid.

In the text, they describe as a “harassment and hate campaign” the one that is being carried out through social networks to boycott their tour of several Spanish cities. They assure that these calls not only harm the members of the group, but also their “representatives and followers.”

Buena Fe appeals to the Spanish Criminal Code and stresses that in the European country “these attacks are considered” as hate crimes, against integrity, privacy and honor. She adds that offenders can be sentenced to prison terms, “as well as the corresponding civil liability for the damages caused.”

The message closes by making clear his desire to “clean up the networks of demeaning comments and disrespect that are far from being considered as freedom of opinion, criticism or expression.”

The group recently canceled several of their concerts in Spain, in places like Salamanca, Zamora, Barcelona and Tenerife, on the grounds that they had received pressure from Cuban opponents.

In a Burger King restaurant in Barcelona, ​​Israel Rojas, the main voice of the group, was confronted by exiles who demanded that he was unaware of the existence of political prisoners on the island.

In a Burger King restaurant in Barcelona, ​​Israel Rojas, the main voice of the group, was confronted by exiles who demanded that he was unaware of the existence of political prisoners on the island, as he had assured In an interview with the gate OnCuba.

After the suspensions and the claims, Buena Fe assured on its social networks that “under the pretext of defending democracy, fascist harassment and threats have been unleashed against the owners of the premises and that has been stronger than the songs.”

The duo was also the target of complaints from exiled doctors and activists Lucio Enríquez Nodarse and Emilio Arteaga Pérez, who claimed to have been attacked on May 11 at the Buena Fe concert in Madrid by alleged agents of the Cuban political police who They were posing as security guards.

On his Facebook account, Enríquez broadcast the moment in which, at the end of one of the songs, the cry “Patria y vida!” and “Freedom for political prisoners!”, and immediately there is a struggle and the direct is cut.

Arteaga Pérez later explained in a Facebook broadcast that they entered the concert considering that “it was an opportunity for us to exercise our right to freedom of expression” to vindicate the fight for the freedom of the regime’s political prisoners.

“We didn’t interrupt the concert,” he says. According to his account, when the duo finished the second song, Nodarse got up and yelled “Israel Rojas!”. Within seconds, men in the room ran towards them, surrounded them and began to beat them.

Arteaga denounced that the agents punched and kicked them in various parts of the body, and also took away the cell phones with which they were transmitting. Spanish security established a containment perimeter and asked them to leave the room for the concert to continue.

“But we said that without our phones we were not going to go out. One, because this is not Cuba, two because it is a crime and three because all our private information is there,” explained the doctor, who recalls that the agents committed a crime by wanting to confiscate mobile phones in Europe.

“Miraculously they send us the cell phones from hand to hand among the people in the public and they reach the table where we were,” he said. At that moment they decided to leave the room and called the Spanish Police, who received the complaint and started an investigation.


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