The chairman of the Czech Television Council, René Kühn, decided to resign on November 20. The reason is the last meeting of the Board, when it dismissed the Supervisory Board and decided on the purchase and exchange of land under the Ostrava study. He had a different opinion on the appeal, of which he learned of the proposal at the last minute, than most members of the council. Jaroslav Dědič also resigned as vice-chairman. They announced this in an extraordinary meeting.
Kühn has been chairman since June this year. He said at a meeting on Wednesday that he felt a weak mandate as chairman. “At a time when the chairman’s positions differ from the majority of the council, he cannot present its opinion,” Kühn said. He added that the council will certainly quickly find a new chairman and that he remains an ordinary councilor.
Deputy Chairman Jaroslav Dědič also resigned. His term of office in the council ends in March next year and he said that he will not run again. “The council needs stabilization, energy and consensus,” he said, adding that he felt exhausted by working on the council, where he had contributed to most agenda items over the past year. However, he mentioned the importance of electing a new supervisory commission next week.
After the departure of Dědič, two more vice-chairmen remain on the ČT Council – Pavel Matocha and Daniel Váňa. The situation in the council will be dealt with by the parliamentary election committee and probably the senate on Thursday.
The council today approved the exchange of land and the establishment of servants under the Ostrava studio with the owner Simon Pelikán. The shift will be preceded by the purchase of land on the basis of the right of first refusal. If the television did not buy the land and subsequently did not change it, it threatened in the future that the new owner would become more expensive to use or purchase the plot of land needed to run the studio. According to the planned contract, ČT will be entitled to a supplement of CZK 1.32 million during the exchange due to the different size of the exchanged plots. Undelivered documents from the Supervisory Board led to the dismissal of this advisory body of the Board last week.
The CT Council is a fifteen-member body through which the public exercises its right to control this public service medium. The competence of the council includes, for example, the appointment and removal of the general director and the approval of the CT budget. The members of the council are elected by the House.
Listen to the part of the meeting of the CT Board from last week, at which Vice-Chairman Matocha requested a list of criticized news editors:
Minutes of the meeting of the CT Council: Vice – Chairman Matocha requests a list of criticized editors Video: Jakub Zuzánek, Martin Krepindl
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