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the CRUDEST WINTER is now near, the GAMES of FROST and SNOW are about to begin “ILMETEO.it

Weather: the RAWEST WINTER is now near, the GAMES of FROST and SNOW are about to begin

WINTER no longer offers emotions in ITALY, but the last word is not said …Winter no longer offers emotions, especially for lovers of frost and snow.
Crazy climate and seasons that don’t exist more have now become the subject of weather (and not only) on the agenda. We have noticed this especially in the last 10/15 years, for example with a summer season that is prolonged more and more, with African blazes until late October and with an autumn that presents intense and dangerous waves of bad weather on a daily basis.
But today we want to focus mainly on the winter season. What are the reasons that see it increasingly dull? And why is this happening above all in Italy and the Mediterranean?

One of the main players is certainly the Polar vortex, decentralized in two distinct lobes (that Canadian and that greenlandic).
The strong thermal delta which is created in winter between the American continent and the Atlantic Ocean, is one of the causes of formation of huge depressions or even cyclones up to 950-960millibar fed by icy masses of air coming out of the Labrador (Canada) in contrast to the temperate currents of the Atlantic ocean. This “convergence“between the two types of air mass it generates very deep depressions, even real storms, which locally can approach the European continent, causing severe bad weather, stormy winds, but relatively mild temperatures (especially over northern Spain, France and the United Kingdom).

On the other hand, the presence of the anticyclone persists on the Mediterranean, driven by this Canadian jet stream that stretches the anticyclonic mass from its natural home (North Africa) towards the beautiful country. So, as long as the Canadian vortex with its “engine” it will continue to produce Atlantic cyclones ad the bitter end, the real winter on Italy will continue to be missing. Yes, we will have some local cold raids, but they will always be isolated and temporary episodes, often chased away by the anticyclone within a few days.

The real breakthrough typically comes in the last 60 days of the season, those that separate from spring, for a completely natural effect, the Canadian vortex will begin to fill, reducing its activity. Only at this juncture will there be the best opportunities, for an evolution of the Azorean high pressure directly to the North Pole: since it no longer finds obstacles, it will in fact be more likely to engage with the high polar pressure (Weikoff Bridge), thus favoring the real icy raids thrusts on Mediterranean Europe. This phenomenon is called in meteorological jargon meridian exchange.

In conclusion, we can therefore confirm that once again the best opportunities to witness the raw winter they will be between February and the first ten days of March. This prospect would confirm what has happened in the last 8/9 years.
In short, for frost and snow the games are about to begin, the crudest winter is near!

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