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The Critical Period for the RI Covid Surge Continues to December

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPC-PEN) anticipates a spike in the transmission of Covid-19 cases. The government says that Indonesia’s critical time is three months until December 2020.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of KPC-PEN Airlangga Hartarto in a written statement on Friday (18/09/2020).

Critical timeit is three months (until December 2020). We must guard against extreme spikes and abnormal conditions before vaccination begins, “said Airlangga in his written statement, Friday (18/09/2020).

Regarding the procurement of vaccines, the government claims to have a procurement plan through a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on Vaccines Procurement and Vaccination Implementation. The Presidential Decree will completely regulate the procurement, purchasing, distribution of vaccines and the implementation of vaccinations or immunization.

After that, the government will establish a protocol for vaccination implementation, which will be coordinated with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

The Ministry of Health, said Airlangga, has prepared it Roadmap National Plan for the Implementation of Covid-19 Immunization.

Roadmap this will completely govern the administration of vaccination, including preparation timeline and the stages of immunization. The plan, roadmap will be completed and reported at the Plenary Meeting next week, “he said.

In addition, he continued, a Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) would also be drafted as a derivative of the Presidential Decree on Vaccine Procurement and Implementation of Vaccination, which regulates the determination of the number and type of vaccines, vaccine procurement, vaccine purchases, determination of criteria and priority recipients and priority areas, technical guidelines. implementation of vaccinations, and so on.

The government has also signed an MoU between the Minister of Health and UNICEF which was witnessed by the Minister of BUMN and the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the procurement of vaccines using a multilateral scheme. For clinical trials in Bandung, the results will be announced in mid-October 2020.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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