Since this Monday, February 13, 5 a.m., the prefecture has reinforced measures to fight against air pollution in Lyon. After the Crit’air 4 and 5 vehicles, the Crit’air 3 are also prohibited from circulating. Point.
“The great atmospheric stability associated with rising heating emissions and cold temperatures in the morning and evening are unfavorable to air quality. Fine particle concentrations are increasing in the region and beyond. »
On Sunday February 12, the prefecture decided to strengthen measures to combat air pollution. Since this Monday, 5 a.m., Crit’Air 3 vignettes will no longer be able to circulate in the Low Emission Zone (ZFE) of the Lyon metropolitan area.
As a reminder, Thursday February 9, the air quality agency Atmo of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes had alerted to the air quality in Lyon, which it classifies as poor. Fine particles PM2.5 and PM10 are notably responsible for this pollution peak which started on Wednesday 8 February.
Subsequently, the prefecture had already decided to ban the circulation of vehicles with Crit’Air 4 and 5 stickers. In the Lyon basin and Nord-Isère, these measures concern professionals and individuals. The prefecture also advises limiting intense physical activity for vulnerable people.
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Measures against air pollution have been reinforced in Lyon.
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Vehicle traffic in the metropolis of Lyon restricted by air pollution
Within the perimeter of the Low Emissions Zone (inside the Lyon ring road), only Crit’Air 1, 2 vehicles can therefore circulate. This restriction does not apply to the access routes to the park and ride facilities. Crit’Air 3, 4 or 5 vehicles carrying at least three people are also exempt from this ban.
Also, the traffic speed is lowered by 20 km / h on all axes of the department where the speed exceeds 90 km / h. Regarding roads limited to 80 km / h in normal times, motorists will have to drive there at 70 km / h.
Individuals are also prohibited from heating with wood. The prefecture asks to favor electric heating, or gas. It also invites you to control the temperature of your home (19°C).