for the weekend, so what?so high to reachtemperatures.jonathan: the crisis for theshortage of shelters in newyork could get worse.or he took a bus with 50immigrants from the state of texas.damaris íaz talked with himcongressman adrán espaillatabout the challenge it representsthe situation for new york.damaris: 50 men, women andchildren who crossed the borderMexican to Texas they arrivedhere this morningFriday, August 5.this was the first groupimmigration officer ofdifferent countries than thegovernor greg abbott sent tomanhattan on a bus,stating that this city is theideal place forundocumented.since it is a sanctuary city,with laws that givesimmigrants the right toliving place.we got some reactions.>> new york always welcomeseveryone, it’s alright.>> we saw many housesabandoned.they can put them there, of coursein.damaris: the mayor of newyork eric adams suspects thatfor several weeks,Texas and Arizona have beensending immigrants to the greatapple.shelters and support centershave reported that hundreds ofindividuals have been arrivingat their doors asking for helpwithout proper documentation.we talked with the congressmanadrán espaillat.the migrant buses arecoming to new york for beinga sanctuary the city prepared forreceive an influx ofpeople who are lookingrefugio?>> the mayor says that we areprepared, that there are hostelsfor that person.I have requested $500,000,000 fromfederal government to givefinancial aid to the city ofnew York.damaris: how is this money going tohelp the current crisisliving in hostelsnew York?looking for food for to payrenta.really, stabilize it beforethat you can continue your lifenormal in new york.damaris: what will happen ifthey keep sending more people tonew york and they are overmoney?>> we will continue fighting toensure that the funds arenew york is a citysanctuary.the spirit of new york isof a wide ratio that givesI think we should notabandon our istic asciudad.damaris: they are expected to continuearriving more full busesof immigrants in the next