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The crisis between X and the Supreme Court of Brazil deepens

Hello, how are you doing this Thursday?

Here’s some of what happened today: Human Capital, X, flights, Gaza and pollution.

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Human Capital. Federal Judge Sebastian Casanello ordered today an operation to extract information from the Logistics Directorate of the Ministry of Human Capital. The measure was taken within the framework of the case initiated by Juan Grabois, in which the retention of food in the warehouses of Tafí Viejo and Villa Martelli is investigated. The magistrate asked that a backup of the computer of the Director of Logistics of the Ministry of Human Capital, Pablo Berardi, be provided; all food delivery orders since May 27; the reports received by the warehouse staff and all records of food movements.

X. The Supreme Court of Justice of Brazil intimate Last night, the company X (commonly known as Twitter) was ordered to appoint a legal representative within 24 hours. In case of non-compliance, the decision provides for the suspension of the social network’s activities in Brazil. The owner of X, Elon Musk, is investigated Musk is accused of obstructing justice, criminal organization and inciting crime for refusing to block certain accounts on his platform in Brazil. ticked of tyrants to the judge who issued the order, Alexandre de Moraes, and to Lula da Silva.

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Flights. Almost a third of the money spent on Javier Milei’s flights was for the president to travel to receive personal awards or attend party events. The data comes from a report According to Chequeado, based on requests for access to public information, the Argentine State spent a total of US$ 1,185,542 on flights. Of this amount, US$ 321,125, or 27%, was used for him to travel to receive awards and to speak at three conservative summits in Brazil, the United States and Spain.

Gaza. Israel agreed a series of pauses in fighting in Gaza in September to allow the United Nations to vaccinate children against polio. The first pause is due to begin on 1 September in the central part of the strip. Two more pauses of three days each are expected to follow in the south and north. The World Health Organization confirmed On August 23, a baby had been paralyzed by the polio virus, the first case in Gaza in 25 years.

Pollution. The Federal Court of Tucumán condemned Two executives of a sugar mill have been sentenced to three years in prison for environmental pollution. Alicia Petit and Enrique González, president of the board and director, respectively, of the La Corona sugar mill, acknowledged their responsibility for dumping chemical waste into waterways that flow into the Salí River between 2006 and 2017. The waste cause bronchial, ophthalmological and pulmonary diseases in the population. The company Distribuidora Tucumana de Azúcares, which operates the mill, will pay $75 million in damages.

Anything else?

  • The Government advertisement which will lower the cost of importing steel.
  • The provincial deputy of Misiones, Germán Kiczka was arrested and tomorrow he will testify before the court.
  • Fernando Burlando let of being Loan’s mother’s lawyer.
  • The Champions League draw was held for the first time under its new format. Here the highlighted crossings.

In case you missed itthis note by Pablo Ibáñez on the flirtations of Peronism with Victoria Villarruel. Juan Gabriel Tokatlian writes about the foreign policy of the latest liberal experiences in Argentina and the military dictatorship. Paula Castellano analyzes the climate factor in the United States elections. Also, don’t miss Gabinete Cenital, hosted by Jairo Straccia and featuring Flor Halfon, Nacho Otero, Diego Reynoso and Eduardo Crespo. herefrom 8pm.

A random data

Herring fart to communicate. A group of scientists detected that fish let air out of their anus when they gathered together, and that this supposedly fulfilled a social role.

A recommendation

If you click on this page the background color changes. The funny thing is that it doesn’t just change you, but everyone who is in it at the time.

See you tomorrow!


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