Agatha Christie: The Riddle of the Time Table series starts today on TV1.

– Don’t try to tell me that contradictions were not familiar to Agatha Christie, Sarah Phelps said according to the Radio Times when taking a stand on the criticism she received. Wattie Cheung/Shutterstock for Edinburgh TV Festival, All Over Press
Yle is now presenting the second of the three Agatha Christie re-adapted TV series. The timetable puzzlelike the predecessor The Burden of Innocence and successor The inn of the riding horsehas already been seen in Maikkari before.
Screenwriter Sarah Phelps has taken liberties in her adaptations. Even Finnish viewers have complained that the series are not faithful to Christie’s books. The identity of the murderer is not the same, and neither is the motive.
At the time of the publication of the riddle of the time table, Phelps took a stand on the matter himself. Radio Times reported on it in 2018. He does not take criticism seriously, and even considers it purposeful rage.
– Honestly, if you can get yourself fired up because of a TV series, watch the BBC Parliament channel for a few minutes, Phelps referred to the parliamentary sessions.
– It gives perspective on where it’s worth pulling a pea up your nose.
Hercule Poirot is one of Agatha Christie’s (1890–1976) most beloved characters. ullstein picture, All Over Press
Besides, Phelps believes that Christie’s detective stories would have been very different had they been written in later decades. They could very well have sex, swearing and drug use.
Phelps is on the same lines James Prichardwhose great-grandmother is Agatha Christie. Prichard has blessed Phelps’ versions. He also reminds in the Radio Times that Phelps’ task has not been easy. The original material has not been very long.
The background of John Malkovich‘s Hercule Poirot reveals a tragedy during the First World War in the Riddle of the Time Table. Ben Blackall, Yle
In the timetable puzzle Hercule Poirot returns to the screen, now John Malkovichin acting. Poirot receives letters signed with the initials ABC The author reveals that there are murders planned. The first of them is happening A as in Andover. Poirot pressures the police to leave, but Crome, who has replaced the retired Japp, thinks the letter is an April Fool’s joke. Of course, that’s not what it is. Soon Alice Asher dies in Andover, followed by Betty Barnard in Bexhill. Now Cromekin already believes that there is a serial killer on the move, but he refuses Poirot’s help. Can Crome act before the killer continues his journey to Chrustorn and Carmichael Clarke’s home?
Agatha Christie: The riddle of the timetable today on TV1 at 19:40 and in Areena. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
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