Home » today » News » The CPPCC held a symposium on the implementation of the spirit of the training class to improve the performance capabilities of the CPPCC chairman and the additional medium-term members of the province

The CPPCC held a symposium on the implementation of the spirit of the training class to improve the performance capabilities of the CPPCC chairman and the additional medium-term members of the province

Published: October 12, 2022 10:12 amSource: Hebi DailyViews:

On 11 October, the CPPCC held a symposium to implement the spirit of the training course to improve the performance of the CPPCC president in the province and additional members in the medium term. Participants were Liu Wenbiao, vice president of the CPPCC, and Zhang Shaomin, general secretary.

At the symposium, he broadcast and studied the article “The Historical Mission of the Communist Party of China in the New Era” signed by Secretary General Xi Jinping and the requirements for deployment at the opening ceremony of the CPPCC chairman and members of the supplementary committee in the medium term. of the province to improve the performance of its functions; the communicated participants intervene.

Combined with the training content, we will do a good job in the CPPCC’s work in the new era of Hebi City. Liu Wenbiao stressed that we must persevere in strengthening the theoretical study, strengthen the ideological armament and improve the ability to perform tasks, so as to give a strong impetus to the development of Hebi CPPCC in the new era. It is necessary to effectively strengthen the general leadership of the party, ensure the correct political direction of the political consultation and improve the efficiency of the political consultation. It is necessary to maintain integrity and innovate to improve the quality of work, provide more and better “CPPCC programs”, help Hebi City achieve new breakthroughs in building high-quality development demonstration cities in the new era, and welcome at the 20th Party Congress with exceptional results.

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