Thiruvananthapuram – Leader of the opposition V.D.Sathisan said that the CPM is running behind the Muslim League because it has lost confidence. Satheesan also accused the CPM of misusing the Palestine issue for political gain.
“Congress has no problem of concern. League got an invite. They deliberated and gave a decision within 48 hours. The league has clearly stated the circumstances under which ET Muhammad Bishar spoke like that. There is no need for any confusion in that” – said Satheesan.
CPM decides to hold Palestine solidarity rally. But the discussion is about League, Samasta and UDF. CPM brought the serious problem of Palestine to narrow politics. The matter was aggravated for political gain. CPM has a political objective on the Palestine issue. CPM is not running its program for Palestine. CPM is misusing the issue of Palestine for political gain” – Satheesan criticized.
2023-11-05 05:10:15
#CPM #walking #League #loss #confidence #Satheesan