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The CovidCheck puts on his work clothes

Rejected when entering high schools in Luxembourg, the famous electronic pass could well be checked this fall at the entrance to certain offices or factories. Negotiations are underway, with a proposal expected before mid-October.

Next covid law


Rejected when entering high schools in Luxembourg, the famous electronic pass could well be checked this fall at the entrance to certain offices or factories. Negotiations are underway, with a proposal expected before mid-October.

Maybe yes, maybe no. It is difficult for the moment to know if the CovidCheck will approach employees at the time of taking up their post. The track is still under discussion. The Minister of Labor still considers the establishment of this control of employees (tested, cured or vaccinated) as “an option”. Referring to this expansion to the company, Dan Kersch recently established a condition sine qua non : that the vaccination rate has not yet reached 85% of the Luxembourg population. For the rest everything still seems negotiable.

But beyond offering anti-covid injections to unvaccinated employees, the Union des entreprises would also like to agree with the State on the means to ensure the health of all employees in a health context that is still undecided. .

But now time is running out. The next Covid law to be discussed before October 15, it would be welcome to present a text. Project on which unions and employers could react before the proposal arrives on the deputies’ desk. It is thus necessary in particular to decide on the obligatory or voluntary character of the measure, if it were to apply in Luxembourg.

Will each company be able to decide (or not) not to tolerate in its offices, workshops, training sites only personnel who have been duly tested, vaccinated or cured of covid? Will all companies already be subject to the same regime to control their workforce? What about external service providers called upon to intervene in a workplace, customers or suppliers for example? How to organize this control without creating queues at the entrance of each company?

Among the questions raised by this use of CovidCheck (apart from bars, restaurants, stadiums, performance halls and other gathering places) there is also the question of the generalization of said monitoring.

Will it be possible to do this only for personnel working in an enclosed environment, thus effectively exempting employees working in the open air? Or will it be necessary to rely on a model “à la française” with observation of the health status only for employees in contact with the public?

Doubts also remain about the measures to be applied to an employee who would come to his post without a valid CovidCheck? Will he have to pay for the PCR test himself that can possibly grant him access to his workplace? Should this screening time be taken from working hours or from private time? Moreover, what sanction could be pronounced against a person who does not have a positive pass: deduction from salary, warning, dismissal …

(FILES) In this file photo taken on August 6, 2021 visitors show their UE digital Covid-19 certificate for scanning before entering the Vatican Museums in the Vatican, as Italy made the Green Pass, which is an extension of the EU's digital Covid certificate, required from today to enter cinemas, museums and indoor sports venues, or eat indoors at restaurants. - Visitors from Asia and across the Atlantic were missing this summer 2021, but tourism in Europe picked up a little thanks to

In the public sector as in the private sector, all employees will have to show that they have tested negative, vaccinated or cured against the coronavirus to access their position.

On both sides, unions and employers do not want to play the stick card. Rather that of the carrot, encouraging each employee to take care of their health and the safety of their colleagues. Thus, for the Union des entreprises, Jean-Paul Olinger ensures that the arrival of CovidCheck in companies “should only be considered as an additional level provided to the protection of everyone”. And if the government has to set a framework and the Chamber to adopt it “this could not be done afterwards without a discussion on the modalities with the various staff delegations”, estimates the director of the UEL.

Still, for many employees, it is high time to end the masks and social distancing now that the virus seems to be on the decline. But the introduction of a CovidCheck, if this is the path chosen, will necessarily have to show adaptation to certain specific professions. The situation of a hairdresser or an esthetician working face to face with his client must undoubtedly deserve another consideration that the office employee present eight hours a day in a large open space.

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