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The Covid triggers an unprecedented loss of FFF licensees • Actufoot • Pro / amateur football news

1 876 878. The FFF had not known such figures for more than ten years. Worse, in one year, the drop came to nearly 250,000 licensees (2,124,335 members at the end of 2019-2020). A record decrease of 11.6%! This significant drop is largely explained by the health crisis and a 2019-2020 season already severely disrupted by the first confinement in March (-74,000 compared to 2018-2019).

Affected by the sudden end of competitions in March, many licensees have therefore decided to skip last season. And the new stop for amateur competitions at the end of October seems “To have given them reason”. Only the acceleration of vaccination now suggests a return to normal practice. The fervor around the pitches, the discussions at the refreshment stall, the pleasure of playing or watching the matches of your children … How long ago this time seems! We, like you football fans, aspire to finally relive an entire season as in the past. The amateur championships have not proceeded normally since the 2018-2019 season. Two years already!

Below 2M, a first since 2012-2013

If football is not the only discipline impacted by this unprecedented health crisis, the number of licensees has dropped below the two million mark for the first time since the 2012-2013 season. A leap back of eight years … According to the most optimistic estimates, the FFF should still return above this symbolic bar in the next three years. In any case, this is the objective displayed within the Federation. For this to happen, the Covid and its many variants must not lead to a new halt in club activities in the coming months.

A deep reflection must therefore be initiated by the authorities of French football to win back those who have moved away from the field and continue to attract new audiences. This could well go through the emergence of new diversified football disciplines, some of which became more democratic during this complicated period (futnet, foot 5, e-foot, etc.)

Relaunch a positive dynamic

This is the great challenge that awaits the FFF. In recent years, the organization in France of major competitions (Euro 2016, Women’s World Cup 2019) had allowed an increase in license taking, aided by the victory of the Blues at the 2018 World Cup. No event of such magnitude has occurred. is therefore planned for the next few years in France, apart from the Olympic Games in 2024, but football is only a marginal discipline.

Nevertheless, the FFF will be able to count on the support of the Ministry of Sports through Pass’Sport which will help 3.3 million households with the lowest incomes. The state has indeed undertaken to cover part of the cost (50 euros per child) of registrations in sports associations for the 2021-2022 season. (The Pass’Sport eligibility terms and conditions on sport.gouv.fr) Enough to boost membership and help sports associations move forward? Answer in a few weeks.

Until then, throughout the week, Actufoot offers you its traditional file devoted to licensees with its partner Espace Bricolage. And it starts tonight at 6 p.m. with the Top 100 licensees from the clubs in each department. So, ready to find out what position your club is in?

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