Home » today » Health » The COVID-19 pandemic transforms the challenges of Personalized Medicine for 2020 and changes the priorities in the environment of R + D + i

The COVID-19 pandemic transforms the challenges of Personalized Medicine for 2020 and changes the priorities in the environment of R + D + i

JUAN RIERA ROCA / The current pandemic situation that the world is suffering due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is transforming any forecast for 2020 in most environments. Even more in the field of health and, therefore, in the field of R + D + i, they report from OncoDNA.

In the case of personalized medicine in Spain, this year they expected to solve technological, social, legal, ethical and healthcare challenges with the possible approval of a strategic plan by the Government, which has been analyzed for more than two years by the Senate and subject matter experts.

From the research point of view, advances were outlined in CRISPR / Cas9, a molecular tool for editing or correcting the genome of a cell. Also in a more efficient and combined use of the so-called ómicas omics ’sciences: genomics, metabolomics, epigenomics, etc.

Companies like OncoDNA, a company specialized in precision medicine for cancer treatment and diagnosis, continue to work to promote new advances in this last section, after years dedicated to carrying out genomic analysis of samples from cancer patients.

These analyzes developed by the OncoDNA scientific teams were performed with tissue and blood samples (liquid biopsy), in order to offer specialists more information on the genetic profile of each tumor and thus be able to determine the most appropriate therapy for the patient.

Over the last 12 months, the number of genes analyzed in its tests has expanded, reaching its OncoDEEP and OncoSTRAT & GO solid biopsy panels up to 313, and even combining tissue analysis with liquid biopsy in stage IV solid tumors.

New essential biomarkers have been incorporated to understand the peculiarities that can occur in each patient. Its researchers continue to be very aware of the different publications that are appearing in the world’s most prestigious oncology media.

An example of this were the changes adopted a few months ago in its OncoSTRAT & GO test. This new version includes the study of germline mutations in the ATM, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, as well as in other genes of the pathways involved in homologous recombination, which can also be treated by PARP inhibitors.

With the collaboration of hospitals and specialized cancer centers around the world, work is also being done on this combination of ‘omics’ sciences, which could offer a much more individualized view of the molecular profile of each patient, thus improving their perspectives on the Cancer.

The processing of large amounts of data will also continue to be key in the field of personalized medicine. Increasingly, taking into account that the progressive evolution of the ómicas omics ’will require technologies that translate their results into a language understandable to healthcare professionals.

In the oncological case, computer applications capable of processing and translating in a very short time the large amount of genetic information offered by each genomic analysis begin to emerge. As with OncoKDM, an intelligent online genomic interpretation platform.

“It is capable of bringing together all the information that has been collected about a patient, such as the results of any genomic technology, molecular pathology data or clinical information, analyzing and interpreting it effectively at a clinical and biological level in a few minutes.”

“In this way, it facilitates oncologist decision-making when choosing the ideal therapy for the patient or searching for clinical trials available in their country of origin,” explains Adriana Terrádez, director of OncoDNA in Spain and Portugal.

It is expected that solutions such as those of genomic tests or softwares and platforms for the processing and interpretation of genomic data will continue to evolve in the future in order to improve cancer patient care and make the most appropriate decisions in each case.

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