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The Covid-19 did not discourage business creation

Jérome Auriac has created a leather goods company.  He makes his products at home, and plans to open a workshop-boutique in Paris (11th arrondissement).

Create a publishing house in early 2020, open a sports hall in April or a Parisian restaurant between the two confinements … Crazy bets? Rather projects launched by entrepreneurs determined to go against all odds to bring the adventure to its end. Surprisingly, indeed, the 2020 vintage in terms of entrepreneurship promises to be excellent. Over the past twelve months, the number of creations has increased by 4.5% compared to 2019, which was already a good year. No less than 770,176 companies were created between the 1is January and November 30, 2020, according to published figures December 16 by INSEE.

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This good result is partly explained by the rise of home delivery services, linked to the two lockdowns and health restrictions. About three out of four businesses, in fact, are sole proprietorships and only a quarter are corporations. From September to November, 14,000 businesses fall under the “transport and warehousing” category: this is the sector that has contributed the most to the increase over the last three months. But despite everything, there are nearly 13,000 creations of catering and accommodation establishments, two activities cruelly hit by the crisis, more than 55,000 creations of business services, nearly 25,000 in the construction sector… And the year should end in style, with “A very strong month of December”, foresees Guillaume Pepy, president of Initiative France, an associative network that supports creation projects.

How to explain this dynamic in the current context? “The spring containment froze or delayed by badly of projects which were launched at the beginning of the year, but as soon as it ended, the creations set out again”, Mr. Pepy advances. The labor market situation has also prompted many people to start their own businesses, rather than looking for paid employment.

The labor market situation has also prompted many people to start their own business, rather than looking for paid employment.

“We are starting to see two audiences that existed in a marginal way, Mr Pepy continues. Young graduates who realize that they have no chance of finding a job in a big company, at least for the moment, who have an idea and decide to put it into action. It is not necessarily a lifelong project, but it is an antidote to the blues. “ The second audience, according to the president of Initiative France, is rather made up of people who have benefited from a voluntary departure plan from their company and who take this opportunity to launch an idea that has long been cherished, often to implement their convictions around the “next world”. Thus, creators often turn to activities around the local – products or know-how – around recycling, the environment or the development of cycling.

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