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The court ruled on the use of TruCam radars

Photo: Road attorney

Cops can’t use TruCam handheld

Manual measurements of speed can give a large error, which casts doubt on the accuracy of the data, the court ruled.

Ukrainian legislation does not allow police officers to measure the speed of a TruCam auto radar from their hands. This decision was made by the Second Administrative Court of Appeal in case No. 554/1946/21. Road lawyer Wednesday, August 4th.

It is indicated that the driver contested the speeding penalty issued to him in court. He drew attention to the fact that the patrolmen were holding the TruCam radar in their hands. He decided to prove that this device can be used only if it is fixed on a stationary object.

The court took into account that, according to Article 40 of the Law on the National Police, “in order to ensure public safety and order, the police can fix on uniforms, service vehicles, mount / place automatic photo and video equipment along the outer perimeter of roads and buildings … “.

On the basis of this, the court concluded that the speed measuring devices can only be installed permanently. It was also decided that manual measurements of speed can give a large error, which casts doubt on the accuracy of the data.

The court also noted that the legislation does not provide for other ways of fixing TruCam laser speed meters than placement on stationary objects. Accordingly, hand-held speed measurement was declared illegal and the fine was canceled.

We will remind, from July 1 in Ukraine on the roads police phantom cars drove outthat will not stand out in any way from the general stream. They are equipped with radars capable of recording the speed of surrounding vehicles both in the same direction and in the opposite direction.

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