Some will say “and pan on the beak!” Other than the reform of health studies is essential because it shines with all these new avenues opening doors to students who will crash their first year. The end of a slaughter system, in other words. The truth is arguably the sum of it all. But the administrative court of Nancy, him, decided in the quick by retoquing, a few days ago, the copy of the University of Lorraine.
The problem ? The reception capacity of those who will manage to pass the first year. In medicine, maieutics, odontology and pharmacy (Mmop), places, as we know, are still as expensive but in this year of reform of studies forcing future doctors to deal with the new and the old formula, the spirits have changed. warmed up and a collective arose: PassLas Lorraine (Pass for the first year, Las for licenses. editor’s note), named after the new formula replacing the old Paces (First common year of health studies), carried the fart. The decision of the administrative tribunal will force the University of Lorraine to quickly convene a new board of directors.
“Promotion sacrificed”
The controversy does not fall from the sky. Since the start of the September academic year, wrath has been coming from all sides while it is the universities which, each year and since the disappearance of the numerus clausus, themselves decide on their capacity. On the advice of the regional health agencies and the ministries of higher education and health. Large university towns are now benefiting from an increasing percentage, “but not Lorraine”, remind the students and parents involved in the PassLas Lorraine collective. “We barely come close to 2% in Mmop sectors and 1% in medicine! We cannot take note of a promotion that has been sacrificed. The new formula no longer allows repetition as was the case for the Paces, but it will still be necessary, and this is normal, to welcome repeaters from last year. We don’t take it into account ”
In addition to reducing everyone’s chances, the administrative court noted a late communication of essential information to students. “There is nothing more than to hope for better days”, notes this student from Metz. “I’m in the 300 out of 1,000 in medicine, but I just got picked up for the physiotherapist’s oral exam. This is not what I dreamed of! “