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The court arrested the singer’s partner Glucose for drug use

Source: Courts of general jurisdiction of the city of Moscow / Telegram

A court in Moscow brought to administrative responsibility the partner of the singer Glyukoza (Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova), who was detained with her at Sheremetyevo airport. His punishment was more severe.

District Court Judge No. 442 of Kryukovo district sentenced Alexander Shevtsov to 7 days of administrative arrest. The man was found guilty of using narcotic or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription – under Part 1 of Article 6.9 of the Administrative Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Previously on the same article drawn and Chistyakov-Ionova herself. In her case, the court took into account the presence of small children as a mitigating factor and imposed a fine. As previously reported, the singer and her partner were detained in Sheremetyevo. The police’s attention was drawn to them by external signs of drug intoxication. The artist refused to undergo a medical examination.

In July, Glucose’s strange behavior was noticed by spectators at a concert in Krasnoyarsk. By being in their wordsthe artist allegedly did not hit the notes, swore and touched her private parts. The singer later apologized and explained her behavior due to the effects of antidepressants prescribed by her doctor.

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