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The country exhausted by the landings. Lamorgese blames the virus

Reading the statements in recent days it almost seems like the minister Luciana Lamorgese is a member of a center – right government. The head of the Interior Ministry earlier this month he spoke of the possibility of using naval and air vehicles to curb landings from Tunisia. A proposal, left alone as such, not unlike that of the naval blockade. So much so that the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, made fun of “advising” the minister to read his party’s program.

Now, during a hearing in the Chamber’s Constitutional Affairs Committee, Luciana Lamorgese has listed a whole series of issues which, despite the statements made up to a few weeks ago, have highlighted the state of total suffering in which our mechanism finds itself. reception.

“During this year we have seen an increase in migratory flows – admitted the minister during the discussion on the conversion into law of the new security decrees – as of November 15th we have about 32,000 arrivals, of which about half, 12,400,000, of Tunisian nationality, equal to 38.7% ”.

“The aspect of the problem is not so much the increase – declared the number one of the Interior Ministry – as the fact that arrivals occur in the midst of the emergency Covid, a complicating factor for the countries most exposed to migratory pressure, such as Italy ”. Elements well known, especially to the Italian public opinion. But never admitted candidly by Lamorgese. That’s in the middle of fighting the virus even a single landing is potentially able to represent a logistical problem, is something that can be easily understood.

Yet only now (finally) the picture is presented in a clearer way: “It is not true that I represented an idyllic picture – however, the minister retorted to the observations made in this sense by the opposition – I never said that everything is perfect and that everything is fine. This I cannot say and I have not said it “.

Autonomous landings and damaged CPR: the two key points highlighted by Lamorgese

During his hearing, illustrating a picture that is impossible to make appear idyllic, the Minister of the Interior pointed out the two key points of the problem. First, the question of autonomous landings: “There has always been this phenomenon and it is difficult to prevent it – declared Luciana Lamorgese – the only way, even at a European level, is to concentrate efforts on departures and on the countries of origin of the flows, improving their living conditions”.

The other point concerns the centers for i repatriations, judged by the Interior Ministry itself as insufficient for the current management of the problem. Not only that, it was Lamorgese herself who admitted that half of the seats of the CPR are unusable as they are damaged by the guests: “In the repatriation detention centers there are 1,525 places – reads the minister’s statements – of which about 700 are currently active as a result of the restoration and maintenance interventions made necessary by the damage caused by some guests. But even if they were many more they would not be enough, considering for example that the Tunisians alone who arrived this year are more than 12 thousand, economic migrants who should be brought back “.

Granted the problems, we don’t think about the solutions

Having therefore clarified the most serious aspects, at the same time no concrete action has emerged aimed at changing the page on immigration. Indeed, the decree being converted to the Chamber is the same one launched by the government in October to sweep away the rules on the matter desired by Lamorgese’s predecessor, Matteo Salvini.

The new safety decrees, especially wanted by Pd, do not seem to go in the direction of eliminating the problems highlighted by the minister. The only solution currently proposed is to look for new reception facilities. It applies both to migrants arriving with autonomous landings, both for unaccompanied minors and for those who must be expelled. Opening new centers, spending more and creating the conditions for new calls: this seems to be the line of the current executive

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