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The Council of State requests an increase in its budget from the future federal government

A central institution in the country’s institutional landscape, the Council of State expects the future federal government to revalue its budget in order to be able to continue to carry out its missions quickly and effectively.

In a memorandum sent to all political parties on Wednesday, the body – which issues legal opinions on draft laws and decrees and also serves as a high administrative court – is requesting an increase of 4.4 million euros in its annual budget, currently set at 48 million euros.

This money would allow the Council of State to fill the framework provided for its auditors, but also to complete its framework of administrative staff.

In recent years, the High Court has had to participate in the annual budgetary effort of 1.1% imposed on all federal public administrations. As a result, 16 jobs (two advisers and 14 auditors) cannot be filled, as can 46 administrative jobs (i.e. 22.5% of the planned framework).

“Although digitalisation in work processes has become widespread, it does not, however, compensate for the 30% reduction in administrative staff that has been carried out over the last ten years, on the one hand, because the workload has continued to grow and, on the other hand, because the procedures for processing litigation files have multiplied and become more complex,” the text underlines.

Currently, the number of FTEs (full-time equivalents) of its administrative staff “is below the critical threshold” to guarantee a rapid and optimal service in all its components, according to the Council of State.

The institution has also had to bear the financial impact of a series of reforms in the federal civil service, as well as the introduction of teleworking and the associated bonuses. It also wants to be able to provide its staff with meal vouchers.

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