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The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Developers Discuss Incorporating Tarot Card Mechanics

Article: Ben Lyons – Gamereactor.cnLast summer, developer Deconstructeam released its latest title, an inclusive and light-hearted adventure game called The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood.The game is about witches and tarot card readings, and affecting the world with your decisions, as you do in our CommentAs seen in the standalone project, we were impressed.
We recently had the opportunity to sit down with two-thirds of Deconstructed Core, all during the latest BIG Conference, where the developers revealed that they were initially highly skeptical and opposed to incorporating tarot card mechanics into the title&

Artistic Director Marina González first told us: “Five years ago we had to work on a Mobile platforms make a pitch, we can’t say, but it’s like okay, you need to make a pitch for a game, and we made this game about witches making tea in a space that’s a little bit different than what Cosmic Trigger is now. But that was more or less the essence, and for some reason we also started thinking maybe we put some tarot cards and everything in it, because at that moment we rejected it, actually.
“We were also trying to understand tarot in a different way because we had some friends at the time who were really into it and we were like, but I don’t know, I don’t understand, I don’t know this magical thing and how it works of. In the process of trying to understand it, in the process of trying to ask what our perspective is on it, when we actually find out that we have another… It’s interesting to look at it from another perspective, that’s an element. I Thought a really fun element to the crafting game, like making cards and reading to friends.

Creative director Jordi De Paco continued: “ I would say, let’s start challenging it because I hate tarot cards and I’m like all of you are logical people and I know you’re sane and why do you like magic and magic isn’t real and you piss me off? .
You can see the full interview with Decontsructeam below, where we’re told how the idea for the game came about and how the close-knit developers work together every day.
Source: Gamereactor.cn

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