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The Correct Sleeping Position According to Rasulullah SAW: Study Results and Findings


The results of the study prove that the sleeping position recommended by Rasulullah SAW is correct. (Photo: Peakpx)

JAKARTA – Sleep is the greatest mystery of human life which is still being studied today. One of them is related to the most correct sleeping position, whether on your side, back or stomach.

About 14 centuries ago the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught sleeping on his side in a right-facing position. “Lie down on your right rib.” (HR Bukhari & Muslim). But what about the research results?

Talking about sleep is not necessarily a matter of duration but also of quality. The ideal duration of sleep for adults is 7-8 hours. While newborns 14-17 hours, babies aged 4-11 months 12-15 hours, and toddlers 1-2 years around 11-14 hours.

Moving on to preschoolers 3-5 years old requires sleeping time 10-13 hours, school-age children 6-13 years 9-11 hours, adolescents aged 14-17 years need 8-10 hours of sleep, adults 18-64 years 7-9 hours and seniors over 65 years the normal sleep time 7-8 hours.

back again to sleeping position ideas l, of course not everyone can be consistent from the beginning of sleep to wake up in the same position. Often people change positions while sleeping from side to side, back to stomach. From here researchers have tried various techniques such as recording people while sleeping or using technology that can monitor movement.

In Hong Kong, researchers used infrared cameras to detect a person’s sleeping position. Meanwhile, researchers in Denmark used motion sensor detectors mounted on the thighs, back and arms of respondents before they went to bed to determine their favorite sleeping position.

As a result, the researchers found that during sleep, people spend more than half of their time on the side, about 38 percent on the back and 7 percent on the stomach. The older the person, the more time they spend on the side.

Then what about the children? Children over the age of three spent, on average, the same amount of time sleeping on their sides, back and front as adults. While most babies sleep on their backs because they are placed in their beds for safety reasons. So sleeping on your side is the most common position humans do, right?

Quoted from the BBC, Thursday (17/8/2023), a study that allowed people to sleep as they pleased found the fact that respondents who slept on their right side slept better than those who slept on their left side, followed by respondents who slept on their backs.

2023-08-17 13:17:54
#Sleeping #Position #Prophet #Proven #True #Result #Research

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