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The Correct Order of Eating for Blood Sugar Control: Incorporating High-quality Foods into Your Daily Diet

Sentence/Juneharu Monthly

The correct order of eating should be to eat vegetables first, followed by protein foods, and carbohydrates last. Eating vegetables first can increase the amount of vegetables, and then eat protein foods, which can slow down gastric emptying and reduce blood sugar fluctuations, and carbohydrates should be eaten last.

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Daily diet is closely related to blood sugar control. Studies have shown that eating more protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, high-fiber foods, and low-carbohydrate diets can effectively stabilize blood sugar.

Cheng Hanyu, home care nutritionist and private family nutritionist of Taipei Dietitians Association, said that higher intake of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids can improve insulin sensitivity, and a high-fiber diet is an important key to diabetes management, which can improve blood sugar control , blood lipids, body weight and inflammation. Studies have pointed out that an increase in daily fiber intake of 15 grams can significantly reduce the risk of premature death in adult diabetic patients; while daily dietary intake of low carbohydrates can avoid sharp fluctuations in blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance.

Cheng Hanyu recommends 10 high-quality foods that are good for blood sugar control, which are recommended to be incorporated into the daily diet:

Bitter melon – control blood sugar balance

Bitter melon is a nutritious vegetable. In addition to protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, essential oils, amino acids, phenolic acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, it also contains a variety of active phytochemicals, including: alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenes, Biologically active ingredients such as quinine, saponins, and triterpene aglycones.

Cheng Hanyu pointed out that the most special nutrient of bitter gourd is triterpenoids, which can increase adenosine monophosphate, activate protein kinase activity, achieve the balance of blood sugar control, further inhibit fatty acid oxidation, lipid synthesis and glucose absorption, and have excellent hypoglycemic properties Effect.

Studies have shown that diabetic patients who drink 200ml of bitter melon juice every day while taking hypoglycemic drugs can significantly reduce fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar, and the effect of controlling blood sugar is better than diabetics who only take hypoglycemic drugs.

Sugar-free soy milk – improves insulin sensitivity

Sugar-free soy milk is a soybean product, which contains rich nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fat, soybean isoflavones and phytoestrogens. Cheng Hanyu pointed out that according to research, the frequency of consumption of soybean products by diabetic patients is negatively correlated with the incidence rate; that is to say, people with diabetes who eat soybean products in their daily diet have better blood sugar control.

Studies have found that diabetics drink a cup of 240ml of sugar-free soy milk every day, which can reduce the blood sugar response by 23%. Cheng Hanyu said that a cup of sugar-free soy milk contains 7.8 grams of soybean protein and 3.1 grams of dietary fiber. Soy protein can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin concentration, while water-soluble dietary fiber can delay and reduce the absorption of carbohydrates to achieve the purpose of controlling blood sugar .

Cheng Hanyu added that the consumption of soybean products by diabetic patients has a series of health benefits, including: reducing blood cholesterol concentration, triglyceride concentration, blood pressure, reducing abdominal obesity, and reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

Nuts – lower fasting blood sugar

Common nuts, such as tree nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia beans, walnuts, walnuts and pistachios, as well as legume seeds such as peanuts, are all nutrient-rich foods.

Cheng Hanyu said that each nut has unique ingredients. Generally speaking, nuts contain healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, vitamin E, K, folic acid, thiamine, Minerals such as magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium, etc., as well as nutrients such as carotenoids, antioxidants, and phytosterol compounds.

According to epidemiological and clinical studies, diabetic patients who eat 40 grams of shelled pistachios every day for 3 months can effectively reduce fasting blood sugar and low-density cholesterol levels, increase high-density cholesterol, and improve vascular function. .

Cheng Hanyu explained that regular consumption of nuts is beneficial to health outcomes, can reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, visceral fat, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and can prevent chronic diseases such as vascular endothelial dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease , it is recommended to eat a small handful, about 40 grams of comprehensive unflavored nuts every day, which can help lower blood sugar after meals.

Berries—Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Complications Caused by Diabetes

Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, mulberries, cranberries, and raspberries are rich in highly bioactive compounds, including: vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, manganese, and polyphenolic anthocyanins and tannins.

Cheng Hanyu said that berries not only have significant health benefits for ordinary people, but for diabetics, they can improve insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in overweight or obese adults, and reduce the risk of related cardiovascular complications caused by diabetes.

According to epidemiological studies, people who habitually eat berries in their diet have a lower incidence of insulin resistance and better glucose regulation in the blood, which can reduce the risk of inflammation, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to eat them every day 40-250 grams of fresh, frozen or dried berries, preferably fresh or frozen berries.

Food order also affects blood sugar

The order of eating may also affect blood sugar control. The correct order of eating should be to eat vegetables first, followed by protein foods, and carbohydrates last. Eating vegetables first can increase the amount of vegetables, and then eating protein foods can slow down gastric emptying and reduce blood sugar fluctuations. Eat carbohydrates last, which can reduce intake The amount and calories are more conducive to stabilizing blood sugar.

Oatmeal—Slows down the rise in blood glucose

Cheng Hanyu pointed out that the glycemic index of oatmeal is 51, which is a low GI food. It is rich in many nutrients and has good effects on blood sugar control.

For example, water-soluble dietary fiber and β-glucan cannot be decomposed and absorbed in the small intestine, but can be fermented in the large intestine, so it can delay gastric emptying and prolong transit time, reduce carbohydrate absorption, and enhance satiety Abdominal sensation, slow down the rise of glucose in the blood, maintain stable insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, and avoid insulin resistance.

The mineral magnesium contained in oatmeal is an important cofactor to maintain the activity of biological enzymes involved in glucose and insulin metabolism; in addition, vitamin E can synergistically promote the improvement of diabetes and reduce complications such as dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases risk.

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However, Cheng Hanyu reminded that oats are starchy, and it is not that the more you eat, the better, but it is recommended to replace refined rice and white noodles with oats. If you choose oatmeal, the recommended amount per day is 50-70 grams, which is about 8-11 tablespoons, which is equivalent to 2/3 bowl of rice; the recommended amount of cooked oatmeal is 130 grams per day, which is about half a bowl of rice. Also watch out for substitutions with staple foods.

Mushrooms──Inhibit the absorption of glucose in the blood

Mushrooms have the advantages of high protein, high dietary fiber and low fat, and have a variety of nutrients, such as polysaccharides, lectins, terpenoids, alkaloids, and vitamin D. Cheng Hanyu suggested that eating 100 grams of mushrooms a day, which is about half a bowl to 8 minutes full, will help control blood sugar.

Cheng Hanyu explained that mushrooms have multiple mechanisms to improve insulin resistance and effectively lower blood sugar. For example, polysaccharides can maintain the activity of pancreatic β cells by inhibiting the absorption of glucose in the blood; terpenoids can activate insulin signals. It can promote the absorption and utilization of glucose by cells; vitamin D can regulate blood sugar and protect pancreatic beta cells from harmful immune attacks. In addition, mushrooms also have metal chelating effect, which can reduce cell damage.

Green Tea – Helps Reduce Fasting Blood Sugar Fluctuations

Green tea contains a variety of nutrients that can effectively control blood sugar, including: vitamin C, catechins, flavonoid polyphenols, protein, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

According to research, drinking green tea can significantly reduce fasting blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin, but has no significant effect on fasting insulin concentration and insulin resistance, and cannot improve postprandial blood sugar.

The mineral magnesium contained in oatmeal is an important cofactor to maintain the activity of biological enzymes involved in glucose and insulin metabolism; in addition, vitamin E can synergistically promote the improvement of diabetes and reduce complications such as dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases risk.

However, Cheng Hanyu reminded that oats are starchy, and it is not that the more you eat, the better, but it is recommended to replace refined rice and white noodles with oats. If you choose oatmeal, the recommended amount per day is 50-70 grams, which is about 8-11 tablespoons, which is equivalent to 2/3 bowl of rice; the recommended amount of cooked oatmeal is 130 grams per day, which is about half a bowl of rice. Also watch out for substitutions with staple foods.

Mushrooms──Inhibit the absorption of glucose in the blood

Mushrooms have the advantages of high protein, high dietary fiber and low fat, and have a variety of nutrients, such as polysaccharides, lectins, terpenoids, alkaloids, and vitamin D. Cheng Hanyu suggested that eating 100 grams of mushrooms a day, which is about half a bowl to 8 minutes full, will help control blood sugar.

Cheng Hanyu explained that mushrooms have multiple mechanisms to improve insulin resistance and effectively lower blood sugar. For example, polysaccharides can maintain the activity of pancreatic β cells by inhibiting the absorption of glucose in the blood; terpenoids can activate insulin signals. It can promote the absorption and utilization of glucose by cells; vitamin D can regulate blood sugar and protect pancreatic beta cells from harmful immune attacks. In addition, mushrooms also have metal chelating effect, which can reduce cell damage.

Green Tea – Helps Reduce Fasting Blood Sugar Fluctuations

Green tea contains a variety of nutrients that can effectively control blood sugar, including: vitamin C, catechins, flavonoid polyphenols, protein, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

According to research, drinking green tea can significantly reduce fasting blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin, but has no significant effect on fasting insulin concentration and insulin resistance, and cannot improve postprandial blood sugar.

In addition, sardines contain Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, both of which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can increase the fluidity of cell membranes, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance.

Cheng Hanyu suggested eating 200 grams of sardines per week. Each 100 grams of sardines contains 147 mg of taurine. In addition to containing nutrients that help control blood sugar, sardines are also one of the fish with the lowest pollutant content.

Apple──prevention of diabetic vascular disease

The GI value of apples is 38, which is a low glycemic index fruit; according to research, eating apples before meals can significantly improve blood sugar levels after meals.

Cheng Hanyu said that apples contain soluble dietary fiber pectin, which has the advantage of not being digestible, can expand in the stomach, increase the viscosity of the food in the stomach, prolong the residence time in the stomach, reduce the absorption of glucose by the small intestine, and delay the rise of blood sugar The effect of apple polyphenols contained in apples has anti-oxidation and lipid metabolism regulation, which can reduce vascular endothelial dysfunction, maintain the normal state of blood vessels, and prevent the occurrence of diabetic vascular disease.

Cheng Hanyu suggested that diabetic patients can eat 150 grams of apples, which is about half an apple, before meals. It is best to eat them with the skin, so as to retain the most dietary fiber and apple polyphenols.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Reduces Carbohydrate Absorption

Cheng Hanyu pointed out that the monounsaturated fatty acids contained in extra virgin olive oil and key biophenols, including: hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, are associated with lowering blood glucose, reducing carbohydrate absorption, increasing insulin sensitivity, and preventing inflammation , Cytokine-induced oxidative damage, by improving intestinal permeability and markers of low endotoxemia, to inhibit blood sugar rise, it is recommended to use extra virgin olive oil for cooking oil, which helps to stabilize blood sugar control .

The article is authorized to be reproduced from “Changchun Monthly”If the blood sugar does not drop for a long time, there may be lesions in the eyes and soles of the feet. 10 good ingredients for stabilizing blood sugar, sardines are also on the list

Further reading:
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further reading
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2023-07-31 08:19:33

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