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The coronavirus subunit was removed to Prymula. He also talked about the possibility of covid mutation with lace | Home

Prague In those weeks we can expect you and three thousand new nakaench per day. After those weeks, it should break and the number of cases will start to decline, according to an interview with Roman Prymula, the government’s commissioner for science and research in healthcare. Nor did he expect the coronavirus wave to be so strong. According to the epidemiologist, we underestimated the virus. The Czech Republic is sweating a new number of people in Europe.

Lidovky.cz: The number of new coronavirus cases in ns every day rises sharply. The Czech Republic was the two leading European, today one of the worst. Where they went wrong?
sla are really very unfavorable at the moment. If mm look for a pin, I consider it a combination of many factor. They managed to control the first wave of coronavirus, without losing the bouquet, and the people got the impression that the disease is not a light lace, which we do not have to be. A number of experts appeared in the space, who completely downplayed the disease. Unfortunately, we got into an exponential phase of growth.

Lidovky.cz: And did you expect that?
South of the arrest km, that kind of wave is coming. However, I did not expect him to be so strong. Personally, I thought we could do something better. The underestimation of the virus was not correct and took place. There are not many countries in the population that should have a ratio of nakaench at this time, not us.

Lidovky.cz: When will the speech be provided at the same time?
It is necessary to realize that each measure is manifested in a minimum interval of 10 and 14 days, with full impact sometimes in three weeks. So it is clear that in the next ten days the situation will be as bad as it is today, we have to deal with relatively large numbers. This is simple epidemiological consistency.

Roman Prymula

Lidovky.cz: What kind of daily mothers do we have?
This can be deduced from the reproductive salt, which is currently at 1.6. This means that each nakaen infects an average of 1.6 longer hunters. According to some estimates, we can even be at 1.8. In those weeks, you can expect those and thousands of new jobs per day. After those weeks, it should break and the number of cases will start to decline.

Lidovky.cz: Vlada v ptek has released a package of new nazen, rounds from the second degree in the deployment of the hand and in the Czech Republic, bars throughout the Czech Republic must close at noon at the latest. What can we expect dl?
I think that you will really try to strictly minimize contacts. We will try to limit contacts at various social events and the like for at least one and two months. We can expect that the color of the orange at the traffic light, which is only according to the risk of infection, will be in most countries on the weekend.

Lidovky.cz: Minister of Health Adam Vojtch banned the internal action on the wall of over ten people. However, visitors can buy tickets only for the season. Is it a logical step?
The government probably did not describe it. Clem is careful that people do not migrate close to each other at events. I can help this in advance of the city. It is less risky when people are really close to each other, have fun at the bar and so on.

Lidovky.cz: Will the wheels turn flat?
Not at this time. We make sure that the compulsory school attendance is actually carried out. But it is clear that from an epidemiological point of view, the wheels are really risky. Let’s see how the number of infected first increases among the stamps of auiteli. Therefore, the birds are obliged to hand in tdch.

From left, the Minister of Health

Roman Prymula on prints

Lidovky.cz: Nemli by nosit uitel povinn respirtory?
I suggested it, let’s see how it turns out. However, if new handles are new, I think a respirator is not necessary. When the children have the wives on, the teacher is protected. In the first degree, however, they are not obligatory in the Czech Republic, so I would like to point out that the cantor respirtor ml.

Lidovky.cz: Oekvte, that you are going to open the opening hours of bars and restaurants?
Me se to stt. I think that limited will happen. But especially the capacity of the company will be limited and it will be regional.

Lidovky.cz: What is the main origin of the disease in the second, autumn waves?
We have a relatively massive population promotion. The factor is more. Urit to whom pisply holidays allowed. But the decisive factor is the activities here in the Czech Republic. The turning point came at the Techtle Mechtle bar, since the Kivka epidemic’s rise. Recently, there have been dominant diseases in the age category of 20 and 29 years, these are various clubs and non-businesses. We are at and twenty times the values ​​compared to the end of April.

This means that when a hunter now enters a bar, he is exposed to much of the risk of infection, not in spring. If we do not follow the contact bars in clubs, there will be a large number of people. But it is also a family celebration and wedding. At this point, there are often transfers at home, because they were spinning on wheels, and so on.

Prezident v

President Vclav Havel (left) pipj Roman Prymul, who was appointed rector of the JE Purkyn Military Academy in Hradec Krlov on 10 October 2002 in Prague.

Lidovky.cz: Minister Vojtch planned to provide measures to protect hospitals, social services and vulnerable groups, especially in Prague. Are you for?
Urit. We will certainly act on such measures.

Lidovky.cz: Hroz zkaz nvtv?
Yes. If it’s unpopulrn nazen, it’s a very inn. The disease got into senior homes several times, when it infected hundreds of clients. We’ll have to handle at least msc.

Lidovky.cz: A new type of saliva test is being developed, which can increase the capacity of the test capacity. How reliable is it?
In the saliva, the capture of the virus is lower than during direct winds from the nasopharynx. But there are two variants. The first variant is a classic saliva sample, which really has less reliability. But now we are working on a kind of variant of picking up after the knee, the hunter will spit out what he got out into the urn of the vessel, then the sample is diagnosed. It turns out that such a test should be more reliable.

Lidovky.cz: When will the tests be developed?
I don’t know when the test relay will be accurate. But I think that the first variant will sometime be on June 1st. The system then closes in the following days, maximum in units of weeks. I hope that this will work and that the actual test capacity will increase.

Lidovky.cz: Where would such types of tests be used?
If it comes out, anywhere in the picking towns. This system would also enable classical PCR diagnostics, which we will use during winds. In addition, saliva collection is more pleasant for the test than wind from the nasopharynx.

Lidovky.cz: Is it true that the coronavirus confuses the skin and a new, dangerous source arises?
No. They are diametrically different viruses, and this is not the case.

Lidovky.cz: When is the best time to put on a chip?
The two of us said that the best time was and in November, just before the start of the chip season. This year it will be atypical tm, ek chipce with pid coronavirus. Therefore, I recommend getting hooked on the chip during jna.

Roman Prymula

Vaccinologist Roman Prymula

Lidovky.cz: Will we ever go like before epidemics?
With coronavirus, I rely on the fact that the virus is not nearly as mutated as lace. It is a disease that will be here celoron, not seasonal character. If we happen to have a population naturally promoted, and with that we combine provocation, we should get the virus under control. Coronavirus thus suppresses ascuten, it plunges into life as before epidemics.

Lidovky.cz: When will the world catch and approve coronavirus vaccines?
I think sometimes at the end of five years.

Lidovky.cz: Should cokov-19 vaccination be mandatory?
No, I would leave it on a voluntary basis. But some people have known resistance to the vaccine, but no one has developed a vaccine to go. When we inoculate the risks of a group, we protect them, but we do not prevent the circulation of the virus in the population. 60 and 70 percent of the population needs to be challenged. People need to realize that.

Lidovky.cz: m si vysvtlujete, e lid u nyn odmtaj okovn?
Recently, resistance to the metalworking has generally increased. The people criticize especially the obligatory vaccination and vaccination of trafficking. Therefore, in principle, react like this. But I don’t think so. When he sees how strong the wave drank in the autumn and the increase in the number of hospitalized, perhaps the view will change. Perhaps I realize that I really know the meaning.

Lidovky.cz: the Czech Republic is the most affected country in Europe after France and Spain. How are Europeans doing best?
The situation in the village has significantly improved. After the dramatic first wave, there was a certain increase in the population and the cases did not increase much. Germany is at a time when they can correct the situation. France is really wrong, according to you, England and Austria.

Lidovky.cz: You mention a widow who had the status of ernho at the end of the epidemic and is now the premier European. How is it mon?
The village approached the epidemic in a completely different way than the rest of the country. It did not impose a tough restrictive policy, which led to the fact that about six thousand people died there. Stt went through a very massive wave of coronavirus. The country differed mainly in that the government did not wheel. vdsko was very critical of such an approach to spring. The other countries closed in on it and did not want to trade with it, it also had an impact on the economic side. Now the cards turned around, the first wave of the epidemic took place there and a second. It is mainly because they have a high population growth rate. widows therefore now have a better starting position for the second wave.


Former Deputy Minister of Health Roman Prymula and former Chief Hygienist Eva Gottvaldov.

Lidovky.cz: Zvolili vdov sprvn pstup?
I don’t want to rate it. It is very difficult that the country has sacrificed a certain number of people for a better future. It turns out later that it was the right way, you have to evaluate it that way. widows were truly unique and were the only ones to let such a liberal model catch up.

Lidovky.cz: France newly added a quarantine for seven days. Haven’t you missed out on such a reduction in mandatory isolation?
We have reduced the quarantine to ten days, seven days of risk. However, each country decides on its own and has to take some risk. But let’s not intend to baptize her.

Lidovky.cz: According to nazen vldy, Pota delivered a free senior pipe and a respirator. Workers had to unpack the original packaging and freely insert the stems into the suit. According to the law, it can’t be. Are such hands unhealthy?
Although this is not entirely in line with the rules for the distribution of medical devices, from a technical point of view I do not see a problem. The mistake was that the veils did not come in waterproof packaging, but in paper suits. But I don’t think there could have been a transmission of the disease. Alternatively, the hunter should leave the walls for 48 hours in isolation, so they should not be contaminated. This is a formal matter, and at this time they are looking for system errors. Given how dark the situation is, this is the least.

Lidovky.cz: Can we expect a similar shock in the autumn as in the spring? Will esko quarantine again?
There is an effort to avoid a similar lockdown. We try to dampen it with very available means, but we do not want to close the shops, restaurants and other communes of the sphere. We want to avoid that.

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