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The coronavirus rebels, the Swiss people who do not want to be vaccinated

Alpthal is a Swiss town in the Schwyz region, located about a thousand meters above sea level and with just over six hundred inhabitants. Since the vaccine was available, none of the people who live there, asked to be inoculated.

The doctors who usually attend the town, assure that they have recommended it, especially to patients at risk and the elderly, something that has been in vain.

The reason is that the entire town distrusts the vaccine, to such an extent that the health authorities included the town in the dose application program against Covid-19, with buses turned into vaccination centers on wheels.

Despite the measure, it was of no use, since upon reaching Alpthal, the buses met with Mayor Adelbert Inderbitzin, who came to the square and spoke on behalf of the locals, with a short but forceful phrase: “Come back where they have come from. There is no need for vaccines here ”.

Likewise, Mayor Inderbitzin clarified that anyone who wants to be vaccinated can do so in the neighboring town of Einsiedeln. “The vaccination bus would stop in our town and wait for hours without anyone coming to see it,” said the official, adding that “I saved them the waiting time because I knew that no one would come.”

This resistance to vaccination against coronavirus It has been seen in much of Switzerland, where 65% of the Swiss are fully vaccinated. The case of Alpthal, in which resistance reaches 100% of the population, is unique.

The phenomenon is not new: even when the Swiss voted on a tuberculosis vaccine in the 19th century, such tendencies to refuse to be inoculated emerged.

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