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The coronavirus killed 50 doctors. In Italy almost 100 thousand cases

There are 97,689 total cases of coronaviruses in Italy, an increase of 5,217 units compared to yesterday: a moderate drop in growth, given that yesterday the increase had been 5,974.

Among these 8,358 are health workers, according to the updated data provided by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, to which is added the list of victims among doctors drawn up daily by Fnomceo, the federation of doctors’ orders, which sets the total at 50.

In detail, 73,880 the current positives (+3,815 against + 3,651 yesterday, but the figure was conditioned by the record increase in the healed who are going to subtract from the currently positive), 13,030 the healed (+646 against the +1,434 of yesterday), and 10,779 deaths, also down here compared to yesterday: +756 against +889. Positive data conditioned by the Lombard numbers, where the infections rose by 1,592 units against 2,117 yesterday. In detail, 27,386 people are hospitalized (+710), 3,906 those in intensive care (+50) and 42,588 in home isolation (+3,055).

In detail, as reported by the Civil Protection, the currently positive cases are:

  • 23:36

    Ordinance signed: to municipalities 400 million for food aid

    The head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli signed the order that provides for the allocation of 400 million to the municipalities to distribute food aid to those who need it. A share equal to 80% of the total for a total of 320 million is distributed in proportion to the resident population of each municipality. The remaining 20% ​​for a total of € 80 million is broken down according to the distance between the value of the per capita income of each municipality and the weighted national average value for the respective population.

  • 23:22

    Two died in an elderly center in Ariano Irpino

    Tampons performed post mortem on two elderly women, one 89 year old from Ariano Irpino and one 87 year old from Trevico, were admitted to the Centro Minerva clinic in Ariano Irpino and died last night. The confirmation of positivity at Covid – 19 triggered the safety protocol for the facility that houses 62 people for rehabilitation care and currently employs 15 people including medical and nursing staff. On Monday, a swab will be performed on all people present in the health facility considered to be at risk of infection

  • 22:50

    Country singer Joe Diffie dies

    61-year-old Grammy Award-winning country singer Joe Diffie died of complications from the coronavirus. On Friday, Diffie said he tested positive for coronavirus: “My family and I are asking for privacy right now. We want to remind the public and all my fans to be alert, cautious and careful during this pandemic.” Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Diffie has been a member of the Grand Ole Opry for 25 years. His successes include “John Deere Greene” and “Home”.

  • 22:34

    Salvini: it is out of this world to reopen factories and schools

    “Politicians make doctors and scientists talk” said Matteo Salvini commenting on Renzi’s proposal to review the ‘lockdown’: “Reopening factories and schools is out of this world”, says the leader of the League in connection with the transmission of D’Urso on channel 5.

  • 21:43

    Hope: Italy’s lockdown will be extended

    “Surely the measures will be extended, we still need them, tomorrow our technical scientific committee will meet, as long as they are extended it is an evaluation that must be done with our scientists but it will not be a very short period, it will not take a few days”. Health Minister Roberto Speranza said it at Che tempo che fa on Raidue.

  • 20:35

    The virus killed 50 Italian doctors

    8,358 health workers have been infected with coronavirus in Italy since the beginning of the emergency. This is the updated figure provided by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, to which is added the list of victims among doctors drawn up daily by Fnomceo, the federation of doctors’ orders, which sets the total at 50.

  • 19:51

    Sixteen dead in a Pavia rest home

    Sixteen victims in three weeks. The dramatic balance of numbers leaves no doubt to the “Sassi” nursing home in Gropello Cairoli (Pavia) where 15 patients and a 64-year-old nurse were found to have tested positive for coronavirus. For the elderly guests of the RSA, the symptoms are those attributable to Covid-19 even if it was not possible to ascertain the nature of the disease since the swabs were not performed.

  • 19:20

    Nearly a thousand deaths in New York state

    59,513 have been infected in New York state, 965 have died, that is, a third of the deaths across the United States and an increase of 237 compared to yesterday. According to national data, 129,767 positive patients in the country, 2,316 died, including those from New York state. The numbers were provided by the governor of the state, Andrew Cuomo, who announced the extension to April 15 of a traffic ban for non-essential workers. Meanwhile, a less invasive virus test has been developed.

  • 7:00 pm

    Borrelli, the number of tampons is in the trend

    “The number of tampons continues in the trend of the past few days, I don’t see any particular difficulties and critical issues”. This was underlined by the head of the Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli in the press point.

  • 18:44

    Immediately the 400 million for the vouchers

    The distribution of the 400 million to the Municipalities for the vouchers for needy families whose difficulties have increased due to isolation will be determined on the basis of the quantity of population and the distance of the per capita income value of each municipality from the general population . These funds are managed through grocery shopping vouchers. The management of these vouchers will be carried out by the social services that normally provide these types of provisions, and the municipalities will also be able to make use of the third sector for the purchase and distribution of food.

  • 18:38

    The contagion in Lombardy started from a dance hall and from the hay fair

    The contagions in Lombardy between the areas of Orzinuovi and Codogno occurred in a hay fair and a dance hall. This was stated by the Regional Councilor for Welfare, taking into account the contact checking work carried out. “If today we can reconnect Orzinuovi to Codogno – he said – it is because someone went to understand how it could have been that there was an outbreak in Orzinuovi so far from Codogno and we understood that there was the hay fair and there were people who went to Codogno there.

  • 18:26

    Expert GB, we will not return to normal before six months

    Britain’s deputy medical officer Jenny Harries said life will not return to normal for at least six months. Harries said the current closure and confinement measures will be reviewed in three weeks, but warned that if the epidemic were removed too soon, the epidemic would resume.

  • 18:18

    Beware of fake shopping voucher scams

    Not even the time to provide aid to families in difficulty and the first online scam is already underway. The State Police through its Twitter profile warns users against an offer of “false vouchers for supermarkets” conveyed through the “WhatsApp” messaging service. “The Italian crisis brings to all citizens food gift vouchers worth € 200”, promises the owl announcement accompanied by the obviously pirated logos of some famous brands of large retailers and some lines of text (in an Italian uncertain, as characteristic of these fakes). The final invitation is to fill in a simple questionnaire but “if you click – warn the police – you risk providing your sensitive data”.

  • 18:11

    Borrelli thanks the Albanian president

    “Thanks to the Albanian people and President Rama for the words with which he commented on the departure of doctors and nurses, he demonstrated not only geographical proximity to our country by renewing a mutual relationship with civil protection that has been going on for years. last year when there was a devastating earthquake our system intervened in support “. This was underlined by the head of the Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli in the press point.

  • 18:04

    Gallera, in the future all with masks as in China

    “From here to the next few months we will probably have to imagine a different way of life, we will all have to go around always with a mask and on the basis of what happens in China we will stagger our social life for a significant number of months”. Welfare councilor Giulio Gallera said this during a press conference.

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