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The coronavirus exists, I never said otherwise

Miguel Bosé
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Miguel Bosé reappears almost voiceless and contradicts himself. The Spanish singer posted a video on his account Instagram in which he assures that covid-19 does exist and that it has killed many people.

After calling a demonstration – which he did not attend – against the measures of the Spanish government to contain the pandemic, the singer reappeared with almost no voice to clarify a couple of things: “We are here to talk about the issues I promised and We start with the bug (covid-19). It has been said that I have said that the bug did not exist. The bug exists and the bug has killed many people ”, assured Bosé.

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In the video, the artist also tells that he was punished: for a week he will not be able to use one of his three social networks, without specifying if it is Facebook or Twitter. For this reason, it could be thought that Bosé refers to covid-19 as “the bug” to avoid saying the name of the disease and having its publication censored.

“They have punished me, I have been a bad child. So for a week I won’t be able to use one of the three networks, ”he says wryly.

Bosé continues the video with some recommendations. He suggested to his followers not to keep the first information or news they get, he asked them to go further. “Let not just one voice stop you, you have to listen to many bells (…) Listening to just one piece of advice is never good, listening to two is better. Four eyes see better than two and four ears hear better than two, ”he says.

Before ending the video, Bosé reiterated: “The bug exists, I have never said no. Only his strength is diminishing. “

These statements by the singer contradict what he said at the beginning of the confinement due to the pandemic. In June, Bosé assured that the coronavirus was “the great lie of governments” to exercise social control over the population.

He also directly accused Bill Gates of being behind a population control plan through certain technology.

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