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The coronavirus? Barely more deadly than seasonal flu

The coronavirus mortality rate is estimated to be 2% at this time.

Since the appearance of the coronavirus in China, and then in the media, the subject has been treated from every angle. Between repatriation, quarantine, death and worry, some still call for calm by comparing the coronavirus to the seasonal flu.

It must be said that the latter causes on average between 290,000 and 650,000 deaths worldwide each year. We are therefore far from the 425 current victims of the coronavirus. The fact remains that in the face of a new virus, caution is advised since we do not know the damage it could do in the long term.

At present, the death rate of the virus born in China is estimated to be around 2%. A figure that should be revised downwards since some specialists believe that the number of people affected should further increase, unlike the number of deaths. In comparison, seasonal flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

The coronavirus is not the first disease to panic the world in recent years. Appeared for the first time in 1976 and at the center of all concerns during the epidemic from 2013 to 2015, the Ebola virus has had a death rate of almost 50% and has claimed the lives of more than 12,000 people worldwide.

Two other coronaviruses have also been well known to the general public since the early 2000s: the Mers and the Sras. The first has a mortality rate of 34.5% and the second 9.5%.

Finally, the H1N1 flu has a mortality rate “only” of 0.01%, even if it has made more than 300,000 deaths since the crisis of 2009.

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