The care structures may be barricaded as much as possible, the virus penetrates there. According to a report by Sciensano, nosocomial exposure concerned 13% of hospitalized patients whose data were available between mid-March and mid-June. A figure which pleads in favor of the vaccination of nursing staff.
Lhe covid also represents a nosocomial disease, that is to say that it can be contracted in a care structure, warned in The evening from this Monday the immunologist Michel Goldman (ULB). The professor emeritus therefore pleads for the compulsory vaccination of health workers, as imposed by France.
In 2008, a very long time ago and well before the covid crisis, the Federal Center of Expertise for Health Care (KCE) estimated that nosocomial infections killed around 2,600 people hospitalized each year. Or seven people a day. Whether it is pneumonia, septicemia (infection of the blood), urinary tract infections or the flu, the bacteria and viruses lying around in the hospital or in any other care structure can be fatal to people whose health is inherently fragile.
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